Things that annoy me


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
One thing that some of the cell phone haters need to realize is there are actually people who must use their cell phones because of work. I do understand ya'll are hating on the the vast majority of people that do not fit into this catigory..but still.

I am one of the few that have no choice. My job requires me to travel all the time. I am also on-call every 3rd week for one thing, and on-call 24/7 for another. If my phone rings I have to answer it no matter if I'm on the road, in the movies, or at a nice restaurant.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Ad's that cover up something your tring to read on the net. Sure, ad's are a part of everyday life on the net, and I don't mind seeing them off to the side where they belong, but when they are 'interactive' or whatever you want to call it where they actualy cover up part of the article I'm tring to read it's just annoying.

Orion on Cell Phones: Isn't it just pathetic when you see these people who want to talk rather loud when in a store or in public just so everyone around them can know that they have a cell phone? Whop-dee-doo, I don't really care. If it's so important to let someone else know what you had for lunch that day then go see them, cause agian, I don't care.

If it's buisness, that's an entirely different situation. But you can pretty well tell who is useing a cell phone, and who is abuseing a cell phone.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
I don't see a problem with talking on the cellphone UNLESS...*ahem* they aren't able to pay attention and drive at the same time. If you can't stay on the road and talk on the cellphone, don't use it. If you can't go the speed limit and talk on the cellphone, don't use it. If you waste other civilians' time because you're talking on the cellphone...DON'T USE IT. Other than that, it's all good. I don't even mind them talking so loud you can hear them on the other side of the grocery store...But if you can't function normally, then you need to get off of it. :)


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
In regards to the cell phones, the biggest pain with them, is every student in high school get's one bought for them by their parent's. It used to be just the businessmen who carried them. Now everyone under age 20 has one, and if you ever sit on the bus around the time the high school's get out, I guarantee it pushes you towards contemplating bus bombs. There is nothing worse than hearing 20-30 yapping teenagers, plus 20-30 overplayed hip hop ring tones going off at maximum volume. I can understand wanting to hear your phone ring, but does everyone else with a mile radius have to as well?

As for the dogs, I own an Australian Shepard/Blue Heeler, she is 7 months old, and considering the breed; very well trained. The problem I have overcoming right now is the puppy energy, her being a herd dog, she has limitless energy is seems. I can manage this fairly well, but what ruins it is parents who don't inform their children to be careful. My dog can handle a child and parents approaching slowly, what she can't handle, is a child running towards her. This makes her revert to instinct, and she'll hunker down and get ready to get to work(herd). This display has scared the coodles out of more than one parent. I jsut wish they ahd enough common sense that I wouldn't go through this in the first place. TYhere is nothing like being proud of your dog's training, and have some flippant youth who can't listen break that dog's training(ie. she charges at the person or something) that is embarassing to me, but it's not my dog's fault, yet the other person always looks at you like your pet in insane. I always have my dog on a leash, as well as a gentle leader(promise collar) to help control her, that should be enough to tell you that the dog requires special handling, not charge and pet tactics.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Someone mentioned Smoking so I think this applies. I have nothing against people that smoke as long as I don't have to been shut in a room with them. What bugs me is the smokers that go outside for a smoke every 20 minutes for 10-15minutes at a time. Yet me being a non smoker only get 2, 15 minute breaks plus a 30 minute lunch a day. How do they rate?!?!?

OH and the other thing I hate probably most in the whole world is people that Pee on the seat and can't clean it up. You can't tell me they do this at home but it's ok to do this in a public rest room. I shouldn't have to clean off the seat before my kid uses it just because someone is a pig. I actually made a woman hurry out of a bathroom once because my daughter had to go and we had to wait. So this lady finally comes out and there is pee all over the seat. There is me (the not too nice person Guppy) yelling. "Let's wait for the next one someone was a PIG and peed all over the seat" I was looking right at her too. She turned beet red and ran out. HA!


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
Grrr..Pee on the's disgusting! I hate it when EVERY toilet in the public restrooms are unflushed..and what makes that so bad, is a lot of them have FECES in them..*gag* Like I need to see that..

About the cellphone ringtone volume, I have mine at max. volume because I'm hearing impaired, I would otherwise miss it (and still do even though it's at it's highest). But I don't have it set to some hip-hop sound..I have it set to sound exactly like a phone..otherwise I will just mistake it for a radio or something..:eek:


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Firebug said:
Grrr..Pee on the's disgusting! I hate it when EVERY toilet in the public restrooms are unflushed..and what makes that so bad, is a lot of them have FECES in them..*gag* Like I need to see that..

About the cellphone ringtone volume, I have mine at max. volume because I'm hearing impaired, I would otherwise miss it (and still do even though it's at it's highest). But I don't have it set to some hip-hop sound..I have it set to sound exactly like a phone..otherwise I will just mistake it for a radio or something..:eek:
See in that case it's different. All phones come with a vibration mode as well to help people notice when a call comes in. It's just these kids on the bus, all have a copy of 50 cent in da club, and it's always max volume, I swear my old car stereo didn't go that loud.

And for the bathroom cooties, I don't even want to go there, I do the ebst in my power to never use a public washroom, I'm a bit phobic on touching toilet seat flush handles as I know that is the first thing everyone touches after handling their dooh-dads. If I do have to, I'm always sitting on a liner of paper towel, doesn't sound very manly, but neither does catching someone else's STD or hep c or something. If any of you have seen that commercial with the ice cube? and the resort, and how easy it is to catch? that really freaked me out. My dad caught E. Coli once from using a public restroom, and now the man I idolize and look up to lives with permanent kidney problems, his bladder is all but ruined. All because someone else didn't clean up after themselves, and most people treat a washroom like a barn.


Medium Fish
Mar 25, 2006
yes betta i totally agree,how bout people who are coming up on you in the fastlane,you get over for them and they sit beside for a mile tell you have to slow down for another car is in your way


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
BettaLove said:
I cannot stand when you go out of your way to hold the door open for a stranger and they don't even say thank you! That really p***** me off.:mad:
My mom raised me to always hold the door open for ladies. And I still do to this day, I'll hold it for every woman behind me, and I totally agree, the worst feeling is when they open the door right beside the one your holding for them and walk through. It's definitely one reason chilvary is dying, it's being replaced by independance.


Medium Fish
Mar 25, 2006
how bout groups of people who insist on talking to eachother in the middle of the aisles at the store,and when you say excuse me they look at you like your being rude


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
And for the bathroom cooties, I don't even want to go there, I do the ebst in my power to never use a public washroom, I'm a bit phobic on touching toilet seat flush handles as I know that is the first thing everyone touches after handling their dooh-dads.
This struck me as really funny but I have to agree. I usually flush the toilet with my foot.

How about the people that think the rules apply to everyone else but them.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
One question....How in the heck does a woman manage to get pee on the seat? Makes one wonder just what in the world they are doing in there. The toilet is not the place for aerobics.