Things that annoy me

Mar 26, 2006
ram man said:
i cant stand little dogs, i take my rottie to training classes and these owners let their little dogs run free, the little dogs will come up, bark at me and my dog, then run, now goliath is a big baby, he thinks he could still fit in you lap, but when he looses his temper, he goes insane! any ways, we have one of those colors, the chain ones that tighten when he lungest forward, unfortunetly, i was talking to one of the trainers about goliath's obsetion with the litter box and eating the cat poo, he got loose and chased this little yorkie(spelling) down, pinned it on the ground and growled and barked, with his hair standing straight up on his back, i got a hold of him, and this ladie comes up to me and say's dogs like that should be put down!!! she should of had that little rat on a leash! so i said a few unkind words and finished the training class.

Dog owners like that should be put down!! I HATE dog owners who just let the dog run all over the place. It a wonder you dont hear more about dog attacks with all the owners leting them of a lesh the way they do. I am always afraid for my kids when they play out side because we have some scary looking dogs here in our devlopment. I myself have a pitbull/boxer but she is all heart, and I keep her on a lesh.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I hunt stray dogs. I live bout a mile from a grade school and if a dog snarles at me or lunges unprovoked I put it down with force. A .357 round puts them down without even a yip. I don't care what animal it is if I'm going to kill it it aint going to suffer. In fact a lady that owns a greenhouse near me lost her 2 golden retrivers. I hear me dog barking abd wwent outside and they started coming to me. I had the pistol in my hand just in case. Well they were verry well trained and verry sweet dogs. but I have also had a small black lab come up to me and unknowingly a boxer was travleing with it. lab was also verry sweet but the boxer came at me with no fear and was trying to attack me. it ran after I punched it in the side of the head (I still got a scar on my fore arm from it) but I went inside and got out the 30-06 and but a bullet in it. A dog like that has no use being that close to schools. If it was wanting to attack me it would have had no thought about attacking a kid.

WickedQueen said:
I didnt mean it the way it sounded!! I'm in finals right now every year I have at least 2 parents call me to 'talk' me into giving their child a better grade. My students are age 18 to 60 (I think 64.. not sure). At some point your parents can't bail you out anymore.
Ah, i see :D Lol - but still... a teacher sharing the same hobby as me, would sure be fun... one of my science teachers has a fish tank (around 30gal) in her lab, and i am constantly watching them.. and i always point out silly little things that she doesnt seem to realise..
It's rather annoying... that i know more than her... :rolleyes:

When it comes to pet peeves (though i don't drive, i'll share the fun):

-People who are prejudice/discriminate others
-People with orange, fake tans... why?!
&&because i can't think of anymore.. i'll have to say..
Some little 11/12 yr olds at my school that smoke because they think it's 'cool'... it's pathectic!!! They'll regret it or soon grow out of it... pfft.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I had alot of teachers that didn't know as much as me. My history teacher for one. he had us do some progects and I did mine on Ghandi. he thought I made the whole thing up because I found proof and showed him that Ghandi liked 12 year old boys more then he should have. Still got an F on the progect because he still didn't belive me. Had to take that class over again the following year. That year I did one about prostitution in american history. Needless to say he didn't like that one verry well either. Love making people like that mad.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
exhumed07 said:
surprisingly enough I never felt the need to go and my stomach didn't bother me a bit and I ate the same amount of food. I do that on all long vacations. don't matter if it was a weekend thing or a 2 week thing. Not sure why and my folks could never figure it out as well.
That's just like me. haha, except I do that on a regular basis, not just when going on trips (but especially!). If I'm not familiar with the surroundings in the's a no go for me. Doesn't bother me either.:rolleyes:

Chazwick said:
Ah, i see :D Lol - but still... a teacher sharing the same hobby as me, would sure be fun... one of my science teachers has a fish tank (around 30gal) in her lab, and i am constantly watching them.. and i always point out silly little things that she doesnt seem to realise..
It's rather annoying... that i know more than her... :rolleyes:

When it comes to pet peeves (though i don't drive, i'll share the fun):

-People who are prejudice/discriminate others
-People with orange, fake tans... why?!
&&because i can't think of anymore.. i'll have to say..
Some little 11/12 yr olds at my school that smoke because they think it's 'cool'... it's pathectic!!! They'll regret it or soon grow out of it... pfft.
My 7th grade science teacher had an aquarium in his class. I used to pay more attention to it then I did to him lol


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
You know what else really annoys me? People that forward joke e-mails and can't take a moment to delete all the junk attached to it so you have to page down for ever or open attachments just to get the joke. Sometimes it's so annoying I just delete it without reading.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
You know what else really annoys me? People that forward joke e-mails and can't take a moment to delete all the junk attached to it so you have to page down for ever or open attachments just to get the joke. Sometimes it's so annoying I just delete it without reading.
I do the same thing. My husband and his mother do this to me all the time.

Another thing that annoys me are Spammers.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Technology annoys me for the most part. It will be the downfall of mankind. Prolly not in my lifetime but it will be sometime I think. It messes up so much that it gets annoying and will crash something big and we will all die. I know I'm a pessimist but still.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
I know how much you hate spammers angle mon, we all hate them...:)

chazwick, i am going to have to defend the smokers on this own, it is their choice, cigarretes i cant stand but pot is alot better than it. More than half of my friends smoke pot, and they are good people, and get A's and B's


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I smoke as well. Smoke both cigarettes and bud. I am not a bad person. I obey most laws never hurt anyone. and even volenteer with kids to help raise money for wildlife conservation.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
This is about things that we find annoying no one should be taking anything personally even if it applies to them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if smoking whether it be cigarettes or pot annoys them well so be it.

Another thing that annoys me is people that don't know how to park in a parking spot. You know the people that park over the line or have to park diagonally so that their car doesn't get scratched. Makes me want to ram a cart into (I haven't but I would like to).


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well with the parking thing I park out at the end of the parking lot and walk a lil farther just to keep people from csratching my truck. The ones that don't park right annoy me as well.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I don't mind if it is a very large parking lot and they're parked wierd (diagonal or whatever) in the very, very back... but if they feel the need to take up 2 spaces where others would be parking, that annoys me to no end.

Mar 26, 2006
GD this is a good thread*BOUNCINGS I have been reading and laughing at most lol!! Seems we ALL hate bad drivers, and people who cant park a car right. We all seem to hate being interupted. So I agree with all of these but here are some of my own:

-I hate people who cant remember things we talk about. Its so rude. Its like they are saying "my life is better then yours".

-I hate credit possers. They live in a big house, drive a nice car, but yet cant pay the balance on their steak bill of $50!! AKA=DEAD BEATS!!

-I hate users. These are the people who come to your house, eat your food, drink your beer, yet never invite you over.

-I hate Bush supporters. I wish they would all wake up and see how the country has been in a tail spin the past six years. Everytime I talk to these bushwackers about him, they always say stupid things like "its not his fault", or "he didnt know" or "its not his desicion to make". It urks the hell out of me that people try to cover up for him, or give him an out!!

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
-I hate Bush supporters. I wish they would all wake up and see how the country has been in a tail spin the past six years. Everytime I talk to these bushwackers about him, they always say stupid things like "its not his fault", or "he didnt know" or "its not his desicion to make". It urks the hell out of me that people try to cover up for him, or give him an out!!
Hate is a very strong word to use... That means you hate me then right?

I hate people that are not open minded, always stick to one few, and bring up something political in every topic.

And bush is better than that p*ssy Kerry.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Well in my opinion I voted for the lesser of the two evils. Now in my opinion there is no voice of the people anymore as well. We get 2 people to choose from every 4 years. to me that is not a choice. it is only us thinking gee who would screw up less. We will never get a good president in my lifetime I think and that annoys me. A quote from thomas Jefferson "To have a successfull government there has to be a violent take over every 20 years." Now I don't exactly believe we should overthrow the government but we do need to remind the government we are here and tired of all the BS.

Another thing that annoys me or rather PI$$ES me off is people trying to ban guns like the United Nations. They going for an international gun ban and they are the ones trying to take over the world not the USA. I'm a good person and a major lover of guns. I never committed a crime so why punish me for stupid people? If any gun ban goes into affect I won't let them take my guns unless I'm dead. As they say they can pry it out of my cold dead hands!

Mar 26, 2006
Oh and I forgot one.

-I hate rich kids who think they know something. Like Trumps kids on the Apprentice. Neither one of them has ever, or will ever work for a living, so how dare they give advice to the working class?