Things that annoy me

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
I was waiting til somebody brought up Bush, and how did I guess it was going to be jaws. I give this thread till post #132 before it gets locked. I am not going to comment on politics because this will just start an argument

I dislike sue happy people(please dont sue me for hate speech) Everything has warning labels on them, there are so many that I dont even bother reading them any more. I mean do I really need to know that my hot pocket is going to be hot when I take it out of the microwave. It has hot in its name I think that is enough but no every square inch of products are now covered in warning labels. I think one of the worst is the people going deaf listening to Ipods and sueing because they didnt know that listening to loud music can cause that. I think there needs to be some common sense put back in america this is stupid. One last thing I want peanuts back on airplanes.

Mar 26, 2006
ram man said:
Hate is a very strong word to use... That means you hate me then right?

I hate people that are not open minded, always stick to one few, and bring up something political in every topic.

And bush is better than that p*ssy Kerry.
oh RAM dont be silly!! I dont even know you, nor you know me. This is just a website and I come here to relax. As Anglemom said already "dont take things personal". Im just talking RAM:D

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Im a really tolerant person but somethings can drive me nuts
-bad drivers
-music I cant stand
-the fizzle a guitar amp makes when pickups or input is loose
-cocky bass players
-know it all people
-people that are too flamboyant about being gay (no offense anyone)
-bad smells
-dumb people
-people that pretend to be what they are not
-people that judge quick
-people that cant walk in someone elses shoes
-bad fish advice
-aiptasia anemones
-celebrity news (amen orion) who cares ?
-working with my manager
-the scam where you have to pay insane money to go to college to get a job? such a scam nowadays they make it so you need to
-dogs that hear you go to the bathroom upstairs and decide to START WHINING to go to the bathroom at 4 in the morning.. haha

for starters


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Commercial's for medications. If I want to know what medication to take I will go go the Dr's office, tell him what's wrong with me, and let him decide what, if any, pills or other medication I need to take. Not see something on TV, go the Dr and ask if I can take that.

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Orion you have it all wrong. After watching a 30 second commercial you are an expert on that diesease(which by the way they never say what it is) so YOU should tell your doctor that you need medicine. Its not like they went to college or anything but you watched a commercial. Because if you do then you get to run on the beach with a hot chick and go mountain biking.

I feel so stupid the other day I went to the doctor's and asked if I needed this medicine that I saw on the tv. He said it was for post menopausal women man do I feel stupid

Dec 23, 2005
Workers at a LFS that thinks they know what they're talking about even though you know the right answer. Its just annoys me to just listen to them give me bad advice. I ask them something that I already know just to see how good the workers are there. Whoever gives the best information, that is where I go.

ram man said:
chazwick, i am going to have to defend the smokers on this own, it is their choice, cigarretes i cant stand but pot is alot better than it. More than half of my friends smoke pot, and they are good people, and get A's and B's
If you read, i never said SMOKING was bad... i just said the little kiddies that do it because they think it's cool, thats all... theres many at my school... they don't even enjoy it! I think, WHY?! Because your friends do it?!
I, myself, am a smoker, but i'd never smoke to fit in (which stated above, annoys me) nor because of peer pressure, it's a personal choice, and i understand some may disagree... but never mind.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Orion said:
Commercial's for medications. If I want to know what medication to take I will go go the Dr's office, tell him what's wrong with me, and let him decide what, if any, pills or other medication I need to take. Not see something on TV, go the Dr and ask if I can take that.
But Orion, 5 out of 6 fake doctors say that medicine is the best! *crazysmil


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2006
SeaMonkeyMiner said:
I feel so stupid the other day I went to the doctor's and asked if I needed this medicine that I saw on the tv. He said it was for post menopausal women man do I feel stupid
Bahahahahahaha, sorry to laugh, but that is HALARIOUS *laughingc *laughingc


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
1979camaro said:
a lot of major airlines have gotten rid of peanuts (and often, meals) to save costs and compete with the budget airlines like jet blue and southwest
And pretzels are NOT an acceptable substitute. I'd rather eat the floss out of a new filter cartridge.

Also those lawsuits a while back by some litigous scum who were "allergic" to peanuts and the oils getting in the air causing them pain and suffering didn't help keeping peanuts in the sky either.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I don't wanna start an argument with MOsbore05 But they have legalized killing tray dogs and cts in Illinois. One of the reasons is the mean wild ones that can attack children (the dogs that is). That right there is my major concern. Plus with the cats and dogs, they are killing rabbits, pheasants, and quail. It is a mirical to see a pheasant in the wild around here when they used to almost overrun the fields. The dogs also start running with the coyotes and cross breeding. The last thing I want is a coyote that is twice the size of a normal one and possibly twice as aggressive becausee it's mother/father was a rot, or boxer. The average coyote is about 40-50 lbs. they aint big and don't see people as a target but we killed one durring deer season that was 85 lb cross. that would see a small kid as a target. there are many reasons that I shoot stray dogs and cats. You say I'm comitting a crime in ur book and I'm a bad person for doing it. Well I'm helping to protect children and the environment in my book. Not all people will see it my way but I know a few do, especialy if they live in the country, or who hunts. They have seen the same things I have.

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
WickedQueen said:
I think one airline stopped the peanuts because a woman with an allergy sat by someone who opnened peanuts and the 'peanut dust' caused a allergic reaction.
Well Im allergic to stupid people. Does that mean I can have them kicked off the plane? because they want to rush to the front of the plane right when it lands and cut in front of people. Or the ones that bring full sized suit cases and take up all the storage space.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Well Im allergic to stupid people. Does that mean I can have them kicked off the plane? because they want to rush to the front of the plane right when it lands and cut in front of people. Or the ones that bring full sized suit cases and take up all the storage space.
I haven't flown much but I thought you could only bring a certain size bag on the plane. But I agree about the rushing to the front of the plane part.