Things that annoy me


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
Pure said:
One question....How in the heck does a woman manage to get pee on the seat? Makes one wonder just what in the world they are doing in there. The toilet is not the place for aerobics.
Probably those who don't wipe, or didn't wipe as well as they should have..That's the only conclusion I could think of..

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Pure said:
One question....How in the heck does a woman manage to get pee on the seat? Makes one wonder just what in the world they are doing in there. The toilet is not the place for aerobics.
I was thinking the same thing.

The thing that pisses(pun) me off about bathrooms. Is the designer of the mens bathrooms. I think women are designing these bathrooms. Just because we can pee standing up doesnt mean I want to pee right next to another guy with no type of partition. Everyguy knows the rules at the urinals. At least one urinal seperation between each guy and if you have to wait for one to open up, you wait. Its just one of those unwritten rules. I have found the perfect solution to this problem. Take the doors off the womens stalls and place them between the urinals, come on this is the perfect solution. I always hear that everyone should be treated equally so I think that it is fair that we the same right to privacy. none.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Another thing i thought of because of Pure's post lol.

We need the seat up women need the seat down...why is it so hard for them to just put the seat down and not complain about it? Seriously..i mean we put the seat up with little effort...

And LOL at seamonkey's true.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Pure said:
One question....How in the heck does a woman manage to get pee on the seat? Makes one wonder just what in the world they are doing in there. The toilet is not the place for aerobics.
Ok, I must address this many woman actually SIT ON THE SEAT in a public restroom? :eek: EW! I am not about to put my bum on some nasty toilet seat where a million bums have been before mine. Instead I just pretend to sit, but kind of 'hover' over the bowl. In many cases there may be splatter from the toilet water or whatever. I am however, a polite person and wipe it off if this happens.
I wouldn't think it would be that difficult in this case to accidentally pee on the seat. There really isn't an excuse for not cleaning up after yourself though.
I can't stand it when someone has gone poo and just decided that they aren't going to flush. :mad:


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
angelmom said:
What bugs me is the smokers that go outside for a smoke every 20 minutes for 10-15minutes at a time. Yet me being a non smoker only get 2, 15 minute breaks plus a 30 minute lunch a day. How do they rate?!?!?

Hmm, I've not had to deal with this in a long time because we are allowed to smoke indoors where I work. At least for now untill the state steps in.

Maybe it has to do with if we smoke more we'll die quicker. :confused:


I was raised to show respect to all females. And I agree that it does suck when you make a special, obvious attempt to hold a door open not even to get a thank you. But, when you do get the thank you's it makes them that more special.

Re:Urinals- The worst I think is the style of 'urinals' that are often found at large arena's, race tracks ect. Just a giant open tub hanging from the wall.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I never mind the open urinal so much as I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Good genes I guess, or all the carousing with the women of color back at my old HBCU rubbed off on me or something.


What bothers me about bathrooms is that people don't wash their hands before leaving. Men often hold their tools, scratch or whatever else, then just put their filthy hand on the door and open it and walk out without washing. I always open the door with a towel (if there is a handle) or push it open with my elbow if it opens outwardly.



Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I'm with Limi, my butt never touches the nasty toilet seat!

And I completely understand about children and dogs. My dog has never been around children, and when they are running and screaming she goes into 'pounce' mode. She gets down real low and wiggles her butt like she wants to pounce on them, because she thinks they are trying to play with her. But I can't have a 130 pound great dane pouncing on a little kid :eek: I was always taught to approach an animal slowly, and let the animal smell you first. Very rarely do I see a kid actually do this, so I try not to put my dog into those situations because I don't entirely trust her around children, mainly because of her size. This reminds me...........

A couple of kids lived behind us a while ago, and they would always run over to our house to play with the animals. My dog was used to them so it wasn't a big deal, and they knew how to behave around her. One day, the kids mom had her friend over, and the friend had a toddler. This little girl was just learning how to walk, and she walked over to my house with the kids, who were 4 and 5. The kids mom and the friend stayed inside and let the kids come over by themselves (don't get me started on her parenting skills :() Anyways, the little girl was standing next to Jaida, and Jaida turned around and her big butt knocked the little girl over. The little girl started crying, the kids ran and got mom, and the mom preceded to cuss my boyfriend out for having a mean dog, and how she should sue us! Excuse me???? My dog was on a chain in my yard, and your two year old walked over and got knocked over. If I would have been home, I would have went off!

BTW, Gentle Leaders/Haltis are a blessing when you have big dogs! We can rollerblade and everything with Jaida and she cannot physically overpower us.

I would never sit on a public toilet seat!!!. but it is proven that they are more germs on the doorknobs we touch daily than there are on toilet seats and 100times more prone to catching something from a door knob.

Did anyone see that little girl on the news. I'm not sure where she's from but her science school project was on bacteria (proving a theory).in her area there was more bacteria in the ice despencers that in the toilet of 7 diff chain fast food places. I guess it started some big thing, saw her on the new and on primetime EWWW


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I never use the public toilets. to tell you the truth I went on a weeks vacation to lake erie last june and never pooed once. When I was in basic didn't go for 3 weeks. it's just the thought of sitting on a toilet and not knowing how well it was cleaned and who was on it before me. I got a CB in my truck and got a few friends with them. We talk alot when we going places and I think it's funny. In Illinois it is illegal or trying to be illegal but CB's aint. Then when it comes to the people that are rude and such annoy me as well. I live in the country and seems like we are alot more pollite. The city folk seem to be more rude.

This is more of a pet peeve. I don't want anyone to think I'm racist. and I'm not, But some of the colored people in the north think white people owe them something where as the colored folk in the south don't. Northern ones seem to never let the civil war or the slavery thing rest but in the south, they know that is part of their history and respect it. They know it is over and in the past. They don't dwell on it like the ones from the north do. Now again I'm not racist and if that offended anyone I'm sorry but it is just an observation and ment no offence.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
surprisingly enough I never felt the need to go and my stomach didn't bother me a bit and I ate the same amount of food. I do that on all long vacations. don't matter if it was a weekend thing or a 2 week thing. Not sure why and my folks could never figure it out as well.

Mar 26, 2006
exhumed07 said:
surprisingly enough I never felt the need to go and my stomach didn't bother me a bit and I ate the same amount of food. I do that on all long vacations. don't matter if it was a weekend thing or a 2 week thing. Not sure why and my folks could never figure it out as well.
lol, When I worked for someone I always made sure I waited until I got to work, that way I did it on THIER time, and I get paid for it!!*thumbsup2

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Little nippy/yappy dogs are also annoying. For some reason, people seem to think that since they're small, it's okay if they do whatever they want and bite people who come in...
i cant stand little dogs, i take my rottie to training classes and these owners let their little dogs run free, the little dogs will come up, bark at me and my dog, then run, now goliath is a big baby, he thinks he could still fit in you lap, but when he looses his temper, he goes insane! any ways, we have one of those colors, the chain ones that tighten when he lungest forward, unfortunetly, i was talking to one of the trainers about goliath's obsetion with the litter box and eating the cat poo, he got loose and chased this little yorkie(spelling) down, pinned it on the ground and growled and barked, with his hair standing straight up on his back, i got a hold of him, and this ladie comes up to me and say's dogs like that should be put down!!! she should of had that little rat on a leash! so i said a few unkind words and finished the training class.

Mar 26, 2006
Your profile says you work in a hotel. I once was a resturant/bar/banquet/Ast.Gm for the Double Tree in Philadelphia. I had around 200 rooms I could pick from!!

Funny thing, I got caught twice. I was in the room when the guest after check out. I had no idea the room was booked. As the Ast.Gm I had to comp them a night stay lol!!

Then I was in a banquet room. I started to hear voices then some soft music. I tried to get done as soon as I could, and when I opened the door, there was a black family there waiting to start a viewing!!