Things that annoy me


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Bout the only 2 things that really get my going are drivers who 1 tailgate me. Do this and I lock up my brakes. 2 In traffic the guy who goes around me just to get 1 stinking car length ahead. I mean really where the hell is he gonna go now. Traffic is backed up for 25 miles and this jerk just HAS to get in front of me because I choose not to tailgate..ARG!

I'm by no means a granny behind the wheel. I just will not follow too closely behind someone. I've been in way to many car wrecks to even want to chance being in another.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I hate tailgaters too, I don't lock up the brakes but I give them a hard tap :) And like Cichlid-Man said, I absolutely hate it when someone pulls out in front of me when there is no one behind me for miles!!!!!! Or people that roll through stop signs just to pull out in front of me :mad:

My biggest pet peeve though is smokers! Why do smokers think that throwing their cigarette butt in someones yard or on the road is ok? It's littering and rude! I am so tired of walking around with my little broom and dustpan at work to pick up the cigarette butts :mad:


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Burned out lights. Yes. Driving down the street and someone's taillights are burned out or the BigLots! sign says "..GLO.S." This is one of my biggest pet peeves...has been for a long time...not entirely sure why...

Hypochondriacs. VERY disturbing type of person. They are actually SERIOUS...I'm sorry...I guess I just dont understand this type of 'illness'.

Braggarts. Ya know what...I am proud of where I am in life too...but I dont have to tell the entire world what my income is and try to make other people bow to me. Chances are good that people around you are proud of your accomplishments too...but they'd like you a lot more if you weren't such a jerk.

People driving slowly in front of me is annoying for sure...but I have to agree with Avalon's "READ THE SIGNS" For example: I have two roundabouts by my house. There are signs clearly posted telling you if you are trying to get from A to B, then use X lane. There are no stop signs. There ARE yield signs...implying that you need to yield to traffic that is already in the circle...not dart out in front of someone in the circle and assume that they're going to brake for you, not stop and wait till NO ONE is around and then slowly make your way around the circle, and NOT STOP IN THE CIRCLE TO LET PEOPLE IN FROM THE SIDE STREETS. I cannot tell you what a huge source of stress this one circle is for me :) I can understand a couple of them in the Vail/Avon area...they're similar to mine, only there are NO that is dangerous.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
OOOhhhh! Tailgators..I don't like them either! Usually if I get so annoyed by them, I will slam my breaks for a second to scare the living daylights out of them. But the last time I did that, the tailgator got in front of me, and did the same to me (though I wasn't tailgating), I think he got the idea. :)

-super slow drivers
-road hogs
-pedestrians that think if they walk right out in traffic, that we will (or are SUPPOSED to) stop for them..when we're NOT obliged at the given time.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Orion said:
Turn Signals. I know older cars have them, and I'm pretty sure that most newer cars have them too, so why not use them every now and then?

WAIT WAIT Did you knwo that TURN SIGNALS are opptional on new cars.
I swear to god the next BMW Mercedies or Jag caddi what have you that cost more then 1.99 I will beat !!!*crazysmil
They have no clue that they are there and just go in front of you like you don't want to know!!!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I agree wholeheartedly with MOsborne about the smokers... how hard is it to hold onto your butts til you're at a trash can? Or worse yet, all the butts on the ground around cigarette disposal things. Any type of cleanup you do, you get like 10x as many cigarette butts as the rest of the trash put together. It's just flat out rude.

Bubble eyed/lionheaded/otherwise deformed goldfish also bother me to no end. They're just so hideous to look at, and they can't swim right anymore.

Little nippy/yappy dogs are also annoying. For some reason, people seem to think that since they're small, it's okay if they do whatever they want and bite people who come in...


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I have a funny story to add to this. I went in to my work on Saturday to play with my puppy. At the intersection just outside of the plaza there are 2 lanes. The Left Lane is for ONLY turning Left. The Right Lane is for Turing Right and Going Straight. I was the first car in the Right Lane and there was a lady in the Left Lane in a Mini Van, with her teenage daughter, next to me. The light turned green and I went Straight, well so did the lady in the Left Lane. She almost hit me so I honked my horn breaked, and let her go ahead (I know Im too nice :p) She went and then pulled over just inside the Plaza. I kept going and didnt stop, even though I saw her stop. She followed me and pulled up next to me when I parked. She got out, knocked on my window and started telling me that she has lived here all her life and that I need to learn to drive. I told her that she needs to pay attention to the signs cause the Left Lane is ONLY for Turning Left. She said that there were arrows in the road. I said pay attention to the signs rolled up my window and went inside. When I went through that intersection the next day I looked at the arrows and geuss what......THEY MATCHED THE SIGNS!!! Wow!! I didnt realize that was rocket science! I just wish that I could see her face when she went through that intersection and saw the matching signs and arrows. Although now that I think about it she might not even realize it. :rolleyes:

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Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
Little nippy/yappy dogs are also annoying. For some reason, people seem to think that since they're small, it's okay if they do whatever they want and bite people who come in...
It annoys me as well! I have one of those "nippy/yappy dogs" (chihuahua), but I ALWAYS discourage him from barking. He won't nip/bite anybody unless they try to touch him. Oh yeah, he's learned that as long as he's not on "his property" that he is to be quiet. He learned a LOT on my trip to Washington and Canada. :) Still trying to get the biting problem under control, but if only people would stop coming up to him and sticking their "giant arms and hands" at him, he'd be less scared. ;)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Yeah Firebug. I do agree that it tends to be people's own faults when they get bitten (not always, but a lot of the time). Parents seem to think that it's okay for their kid to run up to a random dog and pet it without asking the owner if it's okay.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I got a 100 lb lab and he won't shut up when new people are at the house or going down the lane. he could tell I got new tires on my truck because he didn't recognize the sound and he can tell if I brought someone over if he hears the doors shut twice. He would also rip u a new one if u went inside his Kennel. But outside of it and away from my property he is the nicest dog u would ever want to meet. I don't care for the darn ankle bitters as well.

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA

Who's the moron that puts 200 stickers on their car (There is no way that I can ever read all of them going 70mph) or ones that have really small type because they are trying to say something profound but nobody can read it. I think the worse of all is political bumperstickers.

If a bumper sticker changes your political stance on a topic or canidate, you should not be voting. Really, when was the last time a bumper sticker changed your mind?


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
it really annoys me that Excel will not let you do a mode-if statement. I mean, you can do sumif, and average if, but not mode if. What the hell was Bill Gates thinking when he had his programmers decide what functions to incorporate into Excel. And why can't you change the size of the preview pane in Windows Explorer in the XP version. You could modify explorer a lot in the 2000 version, but XP was so dumbed down that you can't customize a thing.

And why can't you have more than 10 if statements in an excel equation?
And why are there only IV columns, sometimes I need more than IV columns in Excel.

who'd they make this software for anyway? not me I think a lot at work, not me


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Grrr, thought of another one...

Drivers who feel the need to talk to other drivers IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET, with cars behind them. The other day, this moron was talking to someone right next to an intersection, with 4 cars lined up behind him through the intersection. He continued talking through our left turn arrow, and of course we couldn't turn because the cars were backed up across that street. *insert expletive here*.