Things that annoy me


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Your talking rubbish. Yes its possible for Coyote and dog to breed and yes they probably have but the likely of it happening all the time is nil. There are instinsts that all animals follow. I dont care whether the dog growls at you killing it is wrong. Expecially someone's pet!! Dogs growl for many reasons. They growl when they are scared and trying to sound mean, when the play, and yes when they are trying to defending something. I just cant help myself. I cant believe that a person could just kill someone's pet. I was watching this show on Animal Planet about all of the animals and the hurricanes. They were showing the animals reuniting with their owners after weeks and in some cases months!! The dogs (and owners) were just so happy. I couldnt help but shed a tear. I just think that is a sick way to "control" the dogs in your neighborhood.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I respect ur opinion but that is one of the ways we control populations in the country. we don't have dog catchers out here like u do in town. and in all honesty if u are part of peta ur a hipocrit. Now not to strike any nerves but there is documented cases where peta has put over 5000 dogs down in so called no kill animal shelters in 05 alone. and I don't kill anilmals with collers unless they charge me unprovoked. If I shoot a dog with a rifel or buckshot out of a shotgun it is down right there no yip or anything. clean and painless. So is the way they put dogs down in the city only I'm spending 25 cents on a bullet where as they are spending 200+ dollars on the injection.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
another thing have you ever heard of a coye dog? That is a mixed breed between dog and coyote. and it happens more then you think in an area overpopulated with coyotes like the area that I live in. I got a county park that I can't hunt on and they populate there pluss no one hunts coyotes because there is no money in it any more. Populations go up so there is less food for them then they come closer to homes get mixed with dogs and it opens a whole can of worms in the environmental standpoint.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I don't have excuses just facts. If u were born and raised in the country you would think differently. What you were told as you grew up is different then what I was told. What I do or think is wrong to you and what you do and think are wrong to me. It is just a matter of perspective. I say we drop this whole thing here and now. I don't wanna fight with anyone


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
exhumed07 said:
If u were born and raised in the country you would think differently. I don't wanna fight with anyone
I think the word you are looking for is County or even State but not Country, because um I was born and raised in this country and that isn't how I think.

OK back to the Thread at hand.

Another thing that annoys me is people that can't stop talking for 2 minutes. You know the type that talk just to hear themselves speak.


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
NoDeltaH2O said:
I never mind the open urinal so much as I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Good genes I guess, or all the carousing with the women of color back at my old HBCU rubbed off on me or something.


What bothers me about bathrooms is that people don't wash their hands before leaving. Men often hold their tools, scratch or whatever else, then just put their filthy hand on the door and open it and walk out without washing. I always open the door with a towel (if there is a handle) or push it open with my elbow if it opens outwardly.

Ewwww, yea, I always use my sleeve or a paper towel to
a)flush toilets
b)turn faucets on or off
c)open the doors


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
MOsborne05 said:
BTW, Gentle Leaders/Haltis are a blessing when you have big dogs! We can rollerblade and everything with Jaida and she cannot physically overpower us.
Gawds, do I ever hear you on that, if my dog is just on a regular leash, she can launch me through the air if I'm not ready (and I weigh 180ibs)
but if I got my gentle leader on her, she doesn't even try to launch me, she just tries to pull the collar off once in a blue moon.


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
ram man said:
i cant stand little dogs, i take my rottie to training classes and these owners let their little dogs run free, the little dogs will come up, bark at me and my dog, then run, now goliath is a big baby, he thinks he could still fit in you lap, but when he looses his temper, he goes insane! any ways, we have one of those colors, the chain ones that tighten when he lungest forward, unfortunetly, i was talking to one of the trainers about goliath's obsetion with the litter box and eating the cat poo, he got loose and chased this little yorkie(spelling) down, pinned it on the ground and growled and barked, with his hair standing straight up on his back, i got a hold of him, and this ladie comes up to me and say's dogs like that should be put down!!! she should of had that little rat on a leash! so i said a few unkind words and finished the training class.
Just out of curiosity, my dog loves to go after the cat litter as well, what did your trainer tell you to do, to stop him from eating it?
as for the yorkie's, they are just Muskie bait in my eyes


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Pure said:
Put hotsauce on the kitty droppings. :D The hotter the better.
Won't the kitty's feet get hot sauce on them when they go in the litter box the next time? Yuck. You know what is strange? I had this problem with my dog when I would take him to other people's houses or if he would find cat poo outside he would eat it just as fast as he could. He was trying to eat it before I saw what he was doing because he knew it was wrong because I would get SO mad. But since I've gotten my own cat, he doesn't touch the litter. I wonder if it's because they are 'buddies' or something. They sleep and cuddle together and they are very close.
Also, I think there is a product that you can buy and sprinkle on the cat food (that is supposedly safe for kitty) that the cat will eat and when it comes out in the poo it makes it unappetizing for the dog (shouldn't it be anyway:eek:). If you would like me to find out what it's called let me know, my mom works at a vetrinary hospital and I can ask her. She had to get it one time because her dog ate it's own poo and the poo of other dogs..........GAG :confused:


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Cichlid-Man said:
Delta still serves penuts on their flights, at least every Delta flight i've been on in the past 4 years. They were good too.
Careful C-Man; you're using my name rather loosely here. I thought you were implying that I was serving up a load of 5h|+...


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
angelmom said:
I think the word you are looking for is County or even State but not Country, because um I was born and raised in this country and that isn't how I think.
By country I was saying out in the sticks you know in the middle of no where, out in the boonies, the middle of the woods and farms. Do you understand now? I live out in the country not in the cities.