Things that annoy me


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
By country I was saying out in the sticks you know in the middle of no where, out in the boonies, the middle of the woods and farms. Do you understand now? I live out in the country not in the cities.
I lived out in the country for quite a while meaning I still do. Cows, cornfields, woods that sort of thing. Strays, house pets the works. Love it out here but still isn't how I was brought up or think. Let's agree to disagree, arguing about it here or at all isn't going to solve the fact you kill animals (and not for food, I have no problem with hunters that eat what they kill) so IMO conversation is done.

hmmm what else annoys me? Ok this one scares me more that annoys me. Seeing people reading the news paper while driving. Give me a person on the cell phone over a person reading the paper any day.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
angelmom said:
I lived out in the country for quite a while meaning I still do. Cows, cornfields, woods that sort of thing. Strays, house pets the works. Love it out here but still isn't how I was brought up or think. Let's agree to disagree,so IMO conversation is done.
Ok that is fine with me angelmom. one thing that annoys me is people that are never wrong or so they think. They say this or that can't be done and you prove them wrong but they just deny it and say it was a fake or something like that. I know someone like that personally. my bro. now that just sucks.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
angelmom said:
hmmm what else annoys me? Ok this one scares me more that annoys me. Seeing people reading the news paper while driving. Give me a person on the cell phone over a person reading the paper any day.
Tell me about it! Once I actually saw a lady driving down the HIGHWAY with a book stuck in the steering wheel. Every so often she would glance up at the road.

Another thing that annoys me is people who just don't say everything at once. Example:
(At a restaurant)
Hostess: "Would you like to sit indoors or outdoors?"
Me: (After taking survey of people I was with) "Outdoors sounds good"
Hostess: "Well there is a 30 minute wait for outdoors, but indoors is available now"
Why couldn't she say this all in the first place?


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Another thing that annoys me is people who just don't say everything at once. Example:
(At a restaurant)
Hostess: "Would you like to sit indoors or outdoors?"
Me: (After taking survey of people I was with) "Outdoors sounds good"
Hostess: "Well there is a 30 minute wait for outdoors, but indoors is available now"
Why couldn't she say this all in the first place?
I hear ya.


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
last thought

Well, my final end all be all pet peeve...
If you post on here something important, so that your viewing your post every 5 mminutes, because you JUST NEED that answer, and not one person seems to respond, and your post goes to the land of Nowhere. That sucks, nothing like stressing over a choice you need to make, and getting no info along the way.
case in point: recently posted about HLLE, now I know alot of people know nothing about it, but damn, I only had one person respond to me on it, and he was a little unsure, I just wish more people would add some input to posts like that. because as it stands I'm still waiting to add meds, as I need to know if the plants need to come out.
(I'm not griping here, just had a good example to use)


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Well, my final end all be all pet peeve...
If you post on here something important, so that your viewing your post every 5 mminutes, because you JUST NEED that answer, and not one person seems to respond, and your post goes to the land of Nowhere. That sucks, nothing like stressing over a choice you need to make, and getting no info along the way.
case in point: recently posted about HLLE, now I know alot of people know nothing about it, but damn, I only had one person respond to me on it, and he was a little unsure, I just wish more people would add some input to posts like that. because as it stands I'm still waiting to add meds, as I need to know if the plants need to come out.
(I'm not griping here, just had a good example to use)
Toam I would have responded but I had nothing to give. I know nothing about that but I do feel for you and hope you get your answer soon. But until then can't you just take the plants out? You can always put them back in later right?

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Little type at the bottom of commercials. They have like 80 lines of text and you can not read it. I was watching tv yesterday and I saw one that was really funny I thought. It was the burger king commercial with that Dr. 902103848372 guy and he is examing a chicken to have breast enlargements and then they show a falling chicken sandwich and they say "naturally" larger chicken breast. Then to top it off at the end the little text at the bottom says "no animals were harmed in the making of this" I thought to my self. What about the chicken that was killed to make the burger? He was raised in an overcrowded cage that he could barely move and they cut off their beaks. then they killed it mashed up all the meat to form a chicken"breast" I think some animals where harmed in the making of the commercail. But not the nice fluffy white one that they showed no she got a trailer to itself was feed organic corn. I dont know sometimes.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Back to Orion's post about the prescription drug comercial..What gets me are the list of side effects. "This drug may cause coronary lesions, liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory difficulty, sexual side effects, and including but not limited to rectal bleeding" (that last one isn't made up) BUT HEY YOU WILL FEEL GREAT! because your cholesterol will be lower.

Ugh!!! notice how fast they spew those out too...One really has to be paying attention at the end of the commercial to get them all.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Pure said:
Back to Orion's post about the prescription drug comercial..What gets me are the list of side effects. "This drug may cause coronary lesions, liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory difficulty, sexual side effects, and including but not limited to rectal bleeding" (that last one isn't made up) BUT HEY YOU WILL FEEL GREAT! because your cholesterol will be lower.

Ugh!!! notice how fast they spew those out too...One really has to be paying attention at the end of the commercial to get them all.
LOL...Jeff Foxworthy does a super funny skit about that, he's awesome.

guppy_newbe said:
Your talking rubbish. Yes its possible for Coyote and dog to breed and yes they probably have but the likely of it happening all the time is nil. There are instinsts that all animals follow. I dont care whether the dog growls at you killing it is wrong. Expecially someone's pet!! Dogs growl for many reasons. They growl when they are scared and trying to sound mean, when the play, and yes when they are trying to defending something. I just cant help myself. I cant believe that a person could just kill someone's pet. I was watching this show on Animal Planet about all of the animals and the hurricanes. They were showing the animals reuniting with their owners after weeks and in some cases months!! The dogs (and owners) were just so happy. I couldnt help but shed a tear. I just think that is a sick way to "control" the dogs in your neighborhood.
my dog is half cyote half german shepard.

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
JAWS69 said:
WHEN THE LIGHT IS GREEN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is really dangerous in California(probably everywhere else now too). People still drive through the lights that have been red for at least 5 seconds I see it all the time when Im driving home from work. You have to wait a second or two when it is green to not get broad sided from a stupid driver.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
clogged filters

Martin Short

partial fractions

trying to maintain data integrity on gigabytes of numbers

SAE eating fish food

wood that refuses to sink


changing CO2 DIY jugs

dirty floors


long lists


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Back to Orion's post about the prescription drug comercial..What gets me are the list of side effects. "This drug may cause coronary lesions, liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory difficulty, sexual side effects, and including but not limited to rectal bleeding" (that last one isn't made up) BUT HEY YOU WILL FEEL GREAT! because your cholesterol will be lower.

Ugh!!! notice how fast they spew those out too...One really has to be paying attention at the end of the commercial to get them all.
The scarier part is the FDA thinks it's ok for those side effects to happen.

Martin Short
Martin Short as Jimmy Glick.

How about Tom Cruse (Heard way to much about him)


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
angelmom said:
He is a pretty good actor I'll give him that but I'm so sick of hearing about him and Katie and what sort of wack job he really is.
I agree his a better then avrage(spl?) actor,but all this Sicencetolgy(spl?) bullsh*t is wrecking my head!! I would love to say to him "tom. Im sure your an intresting guy with a full and varyed social life,but for the love of god just shoot the fecking bad guy and get the fecking girl!!!"

To answer the question some things that annoy me are:

Women that cry when there drunk,or when I'm "mean" to them!

Sunny days when I have no sun glasses with me!

Noisy kids!

Paris! In fact French people as a genrel rule annoy me!

The Travel agent Tomas Cook! (He knows what he did!)

People that drive 20mph below the speed limt!

The fact that I picked "Stevie" as my MFT name! (Is soooo girly)

Mushrooms,there a fungus not a food!

There is way more but thats enough for now.


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Pure said:
Back to Orion's post about the prescription drug comercial..What gets me are the list of side effects. "This drug may cause coronary lesions, liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory difficulty, sexual side effects, and including but not limited to rectal bleeding" (that last one isn't made up) BUT HEY YOU WILL FEEL GREAT! because your cholesterol will be lower.

Ugh!!! notice how fast they spew those out too...One really has to be paying attention at the end of the commercial to get them all.
They basically cover every possible symptom a hypochondriac can visualize, adn then sucker em in that way. there is no actualy effects, it's prob just vitamin B or something.


Large Fish
Jan 19, 2006
Good ones Stevie! I am in a mood, so here are a few more:

-People that drive with thier darn blinker on for miles and never move,
-Hearing rap music blaring from the car next to me at a stop light,
-People in general,
-My boss, if you can call him that,
-Woman drivers (excluding me, of course!),
-Bush (yes, our President)
-Rich people

Ahhhh, that felt better! Great therapy!*thumbsups