Upgrading My SW Tank...Need Help/Advice


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Well its gonna move from my 60G to my 65G tank. Small upgrade but an upgrade none the less. Im moving it cause I just want to start over, in a sence. If I were to keep the tank in the 60G I would need to get another light which is going to cost me about $600 give or take. So we have decided to get the one peice of equipment that the 65G is missing and switch it all over, a protien skimmer. Right now we are looking at two options though. Taking the sump from the 60 or just getting a skimmer. On the 60 right now is a Turbofloater multi 1000 and it wouldnt work on the 65G sump cause its an in sump skimmer and there isnt room. What do you think? This time we are going to putty the rocks together in groups so that they can still be taken out of the tank. Any tips on that? Are there any good websites on coral placement. I want to make sure that everything does better in the 65G. The 65G has been up and running for months now empty other than some rock. Here is a list of the corals that I have:
Green Zoos
Fire and Ice Zoos
Moon Polyps
Yellow Polyps
Snake/Tube Polyps
Blue Ricrodia
Red Mushrooms
Purple Mushrooms
Striped Mushrooms
Watermelon Mushrooms
Pagoda Cup
Montipora Cap
Zebra Rock Anenome
Red Flat Rock Anenome
Curly-Que Anenome
And I would like to get Bubble Coral and a few more Zoos but thats it.

Fish wise we are looking at getting rid of the Eel. He is just becoming a hand full. And the Gobie and Dottyback (but he might stay)So the fish that would move into the 65G are:
1 Scopas Tang
1 Maroon Clown
1 Bicolor Angel
And maybe one more but Im not sure what.

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Hmph. You were always telling me to keep MY eel, and now you are getting rid of yours.

I would switch out the Turboflotor for something else, JMO. The powerhead placement all depends on the coral placement, or vise versa, depending on which you decide to center yourself around. Will this be a 65g with overflows? That would make things much simpler.

Good luck, and keep the fish count low...it makes things easier.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I agree.....the rock placement has a lot to do with how the water flows also....you want some open areas for water to move over and through.....what are the dimensions of the 65? is it 48 long? and only 12 wide? makes the aquascape a bit more challenging....but I always liked the two island with a channel between and maybe an arch grouped at an angle.....kind of thing......fish sound great and you have a lot of polyp type corals so you should be fine. If you don't go with a sump, I have nothing but good to say about the remora pro.....skimmer that is


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
LOL :eek: sry Kevin. My guy is just become so agressive with his food and I just dont know how much longer it will be before he will take a live fish. I didnt think that he would do it but here recently he has snapped at my fish. :( I dont have a choice.
Its a 65G tall and our plan for the rock work is to make a large/tall cave on the left side and put a powerhead behind the rock but with an opening for the outlet of the powerhead(make sense ?). The far raght side of the tank will be open for the most part but rosk will obviously be on the lower part of the tank. So far thats all we got.
The tank does have an overflow. So Lorna you say the Remora Pro is good? Is it a hang on?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Yes it is. But if you are going with a sump you can get a Urchin which is the sump version of the remora......

Sounds like you have an excellent plan


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Go with the upgrade to the mag7 pump, I wouldn't have the remora with a rio pump for various reasons. I have the mag 3 pump but wish I had the mag 7. It is a bit more expensive but worth every cent.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The pre-filter box is an optional add on. It allows the water to skim from the surface and thereby increase gas exchange. It isn't essential but it also reduces any micro bubbles returning to the tank from the skimmer. I have one on mine,they are large and take up a fair amount of room from your tank. If you are going to locate this hob off your sump you probably wouldn't need it. They can be a pain to set up as you need to get the height just right and they are attached to the pump with 3 screws.....the poorest engineer portion of this skimmer. This can be easily rectified by drilling 4 small holes and inserting suction cups to attach the skimmer box to the back wall of the tank......holding it in position.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
O Thanks Lorna. I dont think that I am going to get it for the lack of room. But I still have 2 questions that no one is answering :p

1) I wanted to get a Starry Blenny. Ok???
2) Any tips or websites on coral placement???