why do the keep dying?!?!?!?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I have no idea what I was trying to say there....lol :D I am losing my mind! I was probably typing something else, deleted most words, but forgot one...I dunno?

But java fern is far from a nutrient consuming plant. Wisteria is a nutrient mop, along with water sprite. Most Ludwigia's are as well. The best way to acquire nice plants is to purchase them from other hobbyists. Unfortunately, I don't have any for sale...well, I do have wisteria, but I'm not sure if it's in saleable condition, as it's stuck in the corner of my tank for that 'just in case' measure, which I don't think is going to be necessary (whew this is a long sentence!).

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Okay, how do I go about completely changing the tank around? What do I do with the fish that are in there while it's being redone? What kind of sand is the best kind to use? I'd rather not use a lot of real plants, but I'm willing to try them. Also, I'm gonna be doing major water changes eventually anyway cuz I want to switch over to discus and cardinals. That is my goal, after all this PH stuff is sorted out, to have 5-6 discus and a large school of cardinals. Will that be possible?

By the way, the water change the other day was around 40%. Should I do another? I was planning on taking out some of the decor and trying to scrub off that algae, but I don't know if that will even work...


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I've used the playsand from Home Depot in all of my tanks. I love it. It doesn't allow uneaten food and/or detritus to settle, it looks great, and it's pretty cheap! *thumbsup2 I stir it every couple of weeks or so to prevent anaerobic pockets, but other than that, it's pretty easy to maintain.

Also, as far as cleaning your fake plants, I'm glad someone mentioned using bleach because that's exactly what I do - I take out all my plants, soak them in a diluted solution of bleach and HOT water, rinse off, and then rinse & soak in water with a lot of dechlor. No scrubbing required :D

Sep 19, 2006
That is my goal, after all this PH stuff is sorted out, to have 5-6 discus and a large school of cardinals. Will that be possible?
yes, but start with getting the cardinals sorted they're just a smidge cheaper then the discus :)

as far as switching everything around, you can put the fish in a bucket and stick either the filter on the bucket or the filter media inside with them. (or buy a cheap 10gal). Have all your stuff ready before taking the fish out, do it as quick as possible.

as far as plants, I really never wanted live plants, because I kill every plant I've ever planted in the garden, but honestly I have thriving sword plants, grasses, and god knows what else and I don't use CO2 injecter or fert. And, I spend less time cleaning my 55 and 75 gal tanks then what I spend cleaning my son's 10gal. (son is only 6 which is why I do the cleaning) Live plants are actually less maintence then fake ones imho (certain ones anyway). Besides, if you're gonna spend $50 on a fish, live, natural plants are going to compliment it so much better! ;)

thanks for advice on plants guys, eventually I'm gonna take a picture of my plants and make you tell me what they are other then "assorted potted plants from petco" LOL

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
okay guys, what are the best plants to get, as far as ease of care? I want something that's easy easy easy, I tend to have a black thumb and plants just don't live with me if they require a lot of care. The light on the tank is very very bright, I have no idea how to check what kind it is, anyone got any clues?

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
I checked the lights and they are 32watts each, at least each bulb says 32w so I assume that's what it means. There are 2 bulbs so I'm getting less than 1wpg. I'd rather just stick with the plastic plants for now. So what should be my first step in redoing my tank? Should I bleach the plants first or change the gravel to sand? Or should I do them both at the same time? Or can I stick with the gravel for now? Should I wait a few weeks before adding new cardinals?


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
To vac sand, you simply hover the wand over the sand. Most of the poo etc will be laying on top of the sand and will be sucked right into the wand. You will probably always suck a little sand up but practice makes perfect. Heck, I've sent 'boulders' flying out the window from my _gravel_ tanks when I haven't been paying attention. ;) If you're really that nervous about sand, use gravel -- even a finer gravel which may give you a bit of a sand effect, just get the gravel that is in there out asap and toss it. Sand is really an easy substrate to work with. I think once you change over, you'll love really it.

When I redo a tank, I put my fish, decor, plants, etc in buckets and put the filter on the bucket the majority of the fish are in. I have some square sided 4 - 6 gallon containers I like to use for the fish since the filters hang on them easily and they are made of a plastic which is resistant to any damage the heaters may cause (I can just throw the heaters in there). I cover the top with netting and have taken as much as 3 days to replace the fish (I don't usually feed during this time). This is the same procedure as moving a tank without breaking your back or pinching your fingers. Don't forget to take a bunch of "before" pictures!


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Avalon said:
So, I would completely redo the tank, changing the substrate and eliminating the BBA physically. Set it back up, and stop doing water changes all the time. With proper stock levels (lightly stocked) and light feedings, your tank can go quite some time without a water change. Use plants to remove nitrates (sword plants are easy plants and are nitrogen hogs). Do tiny water changes every month or so, just enough to remove debris from the substrate, or just get more mechanical filtration. Wha-la, cardinal bliss!
I finally picked up 75 lbs. of sand from the lfs yesterday. It has bigger grains than regular sand so hopefully it'll be easier to vacume, also it won't raise the PH so that'll be good. I moved all the fish to the 5 gal. quarantine tank until I can redo the 75 gal, hopefully I'll get it all done tonight. Anyone got any suggestions on the easiest way to get all that gravel out?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I've used the cup scooping method with great success. If a few extra pieces of gravel are leftover, don't worry about it, it will just help the bacteria in the tank. Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Yup, a cup or even a tupperware container would work well.
I always use this method until I end up with a little pile of gravel pushed to one side of the tank at the bottom. I find that using a net to scoop the rest of it up works best at this point.

Have fun...try not to break too much of a sweat! ;)



Small Fish
Feb 7, 2007
hope this helps!!!

you can just scoop it into the corner and then once most of it is out you can just pick out the last bits with your hand :D

Last edited:


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Alrighty guys, I got all the junk out of the tank, including the gravel. My back was killing me after that, let me tell you. I did end up using the "Scoop into a pile then scoop out with a cup method," it was a pain. Anyway, I started rinsing the sand in a pillowcase like a bunch of people recommended, and nothing came out.


I stood there rinsing a pile of sand for about 5 minutes. Finally I said screw it and just dumped all the dry sand straight into the tank and added water. The fish are waiting in an actual tank, it's not like I have to put them back right away, so I can always just keep doing water changes till the cloudiness goes away.

Imagine my awe when I shut the water off with the tank halfway full and the water is crystal clear. Do I need to stir up the sand? Or is it just already clean?