Shipped fish?


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Sorry man not trying to tick you off here just giving you.. my well 0 cents..i spent the 2 i had ealier.

MO...I do see both sides to each coin and come on i'm from should know that means i cant keep my mouth shut for

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Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
I was planning on pm'ing alter when I got home, but since you guys have brought it up I will post it here.

I agree with Orion about the dirty laundry thing. I understand that you were frustrated but you have to remember that this IS a public forum. This thread may very well be the reason that dave is ticked off and not shipping your fish. The bashing of apistodave started shortly after your fish arrived DOA, and before he ignored your emails so this could very well be the reason. I'm not saying that your anger isn't justified, but for future reference, you should keep the bitching to pm's, at least until the matter is resolved.

I completely understand your frustration though, and I hope that you & dave can work something out to where you are both content with the outcome.

Edited to add: If I had a dollar for every time someone said they were done talking about it I would be one rich woman!!!!
I don't agree with this at all... the bitching and bashing of apistodave only started after he delayed shipping alters fish for the 2nd or 3rd time.. not after the initial doa. we only said that he shouldn't have to pay for shipping again.. or pay for the fish a second time.. but if he agreed to it with the terms of sale then so be it. apisto dave never made contact with eric from the word go. he always had to contact him. if apistodave can't grow up and be a man and hold up to his end of the bargain.. then screw him. boo hoo.. people on a wittle message board said I suck. truth hurts for him. that is why he is acting like that. I don't think you should tell him that he should keep his bitching to private. I think that this thread is very informative for those who are debating on ordering from him.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
Brian, I asked for a refund before and was told that I could get my $10 back that I paid for the 2nd shipment but not get my original $59 back from the first time he sent the fish. I again last night asked for a refund again and he will not reply to me now. When he told me it was personal and to leave him alone made it sound to me that I will not be getting fish from him nor getting my money back from him. I think I have been fair up until he sent me the blunt email last night. After that I am done dealing with this guy until he has the guts to talk to me about it. I will let you know what happens with the bank tomorrow, but as for this issue I'm done talking about it.

DG thanks for your generous offer but you don't need to do that for me. Save your money and put it towards your 75g tank. I will get my some german blue rams later this week or maybe the next if the weather is poor.
no problem... and for the freeloaders.... *SLEEPING*


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
But you shouldn't start the bitching until after the matter was resolved. That way he couldn't hold the fish hostage because he is being badmouthed, which I believe that he is doing.
Morgan.. I understand what you are saying and I do believe that is what he is doing.. but let me ask you a ? if you go into a store to purchase something and you get horrible customer service, do you wait until the issue is solved before you ***** about it? If I am out somewhere and I get bad customer service I usually speak to a manager and get the issue solved right then and there. bottom line is that he runs a business and even if someone is badmouthing him he should still honor his commitment (considering he has the money already) and ship the fish. word of mouth is a powerful tool when you run a small business. that is the nature of the beast. this is just a bad situation all the way around. we are all trying to support eric and that is the bottom line. I am not trying to pick a fight.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Absolutely I would talk to the manager, and I wouldn't buy my fish there either. Would you go into a fast food place and order food, and then yell at the manager before you get your food? If so, then you are a brave person because I definitely wouldn't trust it. I guess I always try to be nice, and kiss butt if you will, until I get what I want. Once you get what you want, you don't have to be nice anymore. I don't want to make someone mad if I am relying on them to provide a service, because chances are the service isn't going to be near as good as it would have if you had just bitten your tongue.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
Absolutely I would talk to the manager, and I wouldn't buy my fish there either. Would you go into a fast food place and order food, and then yell at the manager before you get your food? If so, then you are a brave person because I definitely wouldn't trust it. I guess I always try to be nice, and kiss butt if you will, until I get what I want. Once you get what you want, you don't have to be nice anymore. I don't want to make someone mad if I am relying on them to provide a service, because chances are the service isn't going to be near as good as it would have if you had just bitten your tongue.
that is true.. just like the movie Waiting..

I think that if I were at a restuarant and ordered a steak, if it came out cooked wrong... ok.. no big deal.. send it back. but then if I had to wait excessively long for a replacement and it came out wrong again... ok maybe one more time. but if it keeps happening.. at some point I would say forget it.. I'm not paying. in Eric's case he tried to get his money back and said forget it.. but he was told no way. not giving your money back. that is also like me having to pay for the steaks each time they came out wrong. so he is being forced into a situation where he has to "kiss butt" to get what he paid for


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
it is just truly sad what customer service has become. it used to be where the business would do whatever it took to earn your business and keep you coming back. we are just a dollar sign and a number to them anymore.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Ok I am back again..LMAO

Those that have been the biggest contributors/ debaters to this thread, I have discussed in private why I recommended removing, I do think the seller is acting in poor fashion from a professional aspect. Regardless of my or DG's opinion on this matter we were not bashing him we were stating the facts as we knew them and our opinions on what we believe to be fair. This should have no impact on his treatment to Alter40, this was our opinion not his at the time. Alter40 waas nothng but professional up until a certain point.

Yes i believe the emails from the seller where completely unproffesional but regardless that was a private forum. I think that at a point speaking in anger Alter40 posted something that shouldnt have been said in a public arena, I have discussed this with him in private, rather he agrees or not is his choice not mine. The fact is the only person who's business this is is Alter40's I have given my thoughts and opinions rather we agree or disagree doesnt really matter. What matters in the end is Alter getting what he deserves, and the only one that can fight that battle is him.

I am by no means changing my stand on the treatment Alter40 has recieved in this ordeal.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
For those that say this will put them of having fish shipped to them:
How many times to we hear of a car wreck in a months time? Or a gas station getting robbed? Several, but we still drive, and we still get gas. Things happen, and not everything every time can go the way we want it to. Sometimes it's out of our control. With fish, sometimes it can be a problem with the shipper, then again it can be a problem with the shipping company too.

Any time you ship live animals it's a calculated risk. Just don't let one problem blindly turn you away.


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
True. Perhaps I will limit my fish buying from places like LiveAquaria and such.... just to be on the safe side. That way, if there is an issue, I know it will be resolved, whether through the company I bought the fish from, or the company I paid with (paypal, visa MC etc.)

*shakes head* It's funny, I work at an antique store and would never think of treating a customer like this, especially when the customer did absolutely nothing wrong.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I agree, instances like this are few and far between. Alter just happened to be one of the unlucky ones. I normally try to buy from people on a forum like this, that way they would think twice about cheating you if they know you could ruin their reputation on that particular forum.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
"I guess I always try to be nice, and kiss butt if you will, until I get what I want. Once you get what you want, you don't have to be nice anymore."

mo.. you posted this above.. this is exactly what apistodave did and is doing to alter40. he got what he wanted ($70.00) and isn't being nice anymore!

I don't want to get caught up in this thread so I've been hanging back for a while. But I'd like to say that I think Alter has handled this situation very professionally, but starting a thread about this after the dead fish arrived might not have been such a good decision. This is a private matter between Alter and Dave and should be kept that way. There's always a reason for everything and maybe Dave just had problems with something. I'm not trying to defend anyone; I'm speaking as a neutral here. I don't believe we should all go roast Dave just because Alter's had problems with him. Since it's not we who bought the fish and ended up in this mess, I don't think it's right for us to go and post rude things here and other places about Dave that could hurt him. Alter and Dave need to figure this out for themselves and although Alter has asked for advice here, we shouldn't get so involved that it makes us want revenge for what has happened.

There, no more posts from me here. :)


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
To a point I agree with you Kissy, but if there was an issue, how hard is it to take 5 seconds and send a quick email to Alter the reason the shipping was delayed? Not hard at all! A good seller would take the few seconds to update the customer, especially if there was an issue about the order.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I never got a reply to my email to apistodave but today I got an email from the USPS saying that a package was being shipped so it looks like he is finally sending me the fish again. I'm not asking for people to flame him here or anything more about that here. What I really want to know is if I would be able to put the apistos with the fish in my current tank for a little while until I can get everything together for another 10g tank and get it cycled?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Ohhhh you could probably pick up some egg crate and make a temperary divider down the middle of your tank. It won't be pretty but in the case tha apistos and GBRs don't get on at least they won't be able to fight?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Eggcrate would work to keep the rams separated, but the apisto's would be able to swim right thought it. It would let the apistos a place to hide if they were bright enough to stay on their side.

All in all, it's going to depend on the fish, and how aggressive they are to one another. There will be somethings you can do in the meantime to help it along till you get another tank ready. Have plenty of food for them, lots of hiding places, and might not hurt to re-arrange the static 'hiding places' in the tank to help prevent any one fish from claiming territory.