TRe's 300g build!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
TRe's 300g Reef build!

this is guna be a slow slow build so bare with me :p but ive taken the first step which was to actually get this tank in my possession *SUPERSMIL im getting ready to put an addition on my house and thats where the tank is guna go so itll be a few months before this thing see's water other than a test run.... everything from my 125g will go in the new tank, the new tank dimensions are 96X30X25 (8feet long, 2 1/2feet wide and 25inches tall)
things to do:
build or have stand built - im not so comfortable with just 2X4's o a tank this size so i may go with welded steel
build canopy
sump - i think ima just reconfigure my 55g that im using now
paint back of tank black
things to buy:
lighting - not sure if im guna go with 4X250w mh or 3X400w
liverock -i have about 180lbs need atleast 200 more
get new skimmer -i have it ordered but it hasnt arrived yet ;)
flow -im thinking about going with sum maxijet1200's with the sureflo/suregrip mods, or a closed loop
dj power strip
calcium reactor - thinking about going with the MRC CR-1
controler - prolly a reefkeeper
ATO - the tunze is nice but who knows

theres alot of other things needed to be done but this should be a good start!

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Tre have you considered a closed loop with a manifold driven by an external pump for flow? This could reduce the heat and take some of the equipment out of your tank......especially as you are building this now.....just a thought?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
its definitly up in the air right now! lol i was just talking about that with one of the guys that helped me move this beast (btw it took 5 of us and was even heavy as hell than)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Come on TRe hurry lets go. Come on times a wasting, this should be setup by tomorrow! ;) Ok ok at least you've started on an upgrade. :(

Looks good, thats one heck of a tank. 30", very nice. Look at the space! All that space between the Overflows AND infront of them. Monster. I'll be tagging along here.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
very nice. I just wish I had room for a beast like that.
lol i dont have room for this beast either, im putting an addition on my house just to fit it :p

MOsborne05 said:
Are you putting it in the wall or just on a gigantic stand? .
not in wall but im not sure exactly what im doing for the stand...either 2X4's which ill build myself or welded steel


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
thats some nice rock but unfortunatly between this new tank and the new skimmer im broke for a little while, i spent almost $1500 in the past few days :p which IMO isnt too bad considering this is a brand new tank which retails for $2000 alone... add in the fact i have a $500 skimmer on the way and i dont mind starving for the next week! lmao

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
id hate to see the light bill for 4X 400w mh's :eek: not to mention the size chiller id need to keep things stable! the height of the tank is only 25" so i dont see why 4 X 250w wouldnt work.... over the next few months im just guna research as much as possible cause i dont really wanna cut any corners but at the same time im not rich and dont wanna go broke over this tank if ya kno what i mean
btw ill prolly still use T5's to supplement actinics but the tank wont really benifit other than the fact ill be able to run 10k mh's ;)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
im actually starting to consider going in wall just cause i think it may be easier doing a little drywall work than building a stand/canopy that looks presentable :p i think i may have the tank like 3 feet off the wall so theres room to go behind the tank to do all my maintenance and than just putting up a wall infront of the tank with a door to get into the mini fish room (it would be 3'X11').... 3 feet is the most i can convince my girl to let me sacrifice but i think it may work! if i do that the stand wont have to look pretty and i can just hang the mh's from the ceiling and eliminate the canopy, i could also setup a nice size resivor for water changes, a frag area, and a descent sized topoff container.... we'll see how it goes though i dont wanna get too carried away in the whole build but it sure would be nice!

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