My new 38 Gallon tank.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Those Badis are nice fish too. But if you don't want them just email Pete through the auction asking for the micros. He normally has a tank full of what ever he is selling just for off auction deals. The price he quotes usually includes shipping. His response will probably be "paypal me 50 bucks" lol


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
OK.... so get this....

So far cycling on this tank seems to be working well with how I seeded it from the slightly overfilled 3 g tank.

Glad I learned so much here...


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
That tanks is pretty swank.

I had a couple of tanks cycle within a week b/c I used seeded media that I thought had become unseeded b/c I used chlorinated water to clean it.

I've also used BioSpira which has worked miracles in my tanks. Here in H-town it's not too expensive, I just dished out $20 for a bottle big enough to treat a 75 gallon tank. I used some of it to give my tanks a quick jump-start in case any of the nitrifying bacteria died off too b/c of the hurricane.... and I've still got a lot left over for my 29 gallon.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Im pretty happy with it but just setting it up once taught me a few things so I will likely break it down and set it up again.

Then it appears as though I will be setting up another tank too.....if you have been reading another certain thread you know what I mean...


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Im pretty happy with it but just setting it up once taught me a few things so I will likely break it down and set it up again.
Ha, my tanks have gone through dozens of transformations, I wouldn't be surprised if yours did too. I've gotta say though, that current set up, looks pretty good.

Then it appears as though I will be setting up another tank too.....if you have been reading another certain thread you know what I mean...
Hm, I've missed several threads. I had deadlines at work, tons of homework, and a test tomorrow that I have to keep studying for.... and I can't do an all nighter, b/c I have to be at Downtown tomorrow at 5:30 am to help set-up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. But from what I caught from this one... you have a 75 on the way?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Ha, my tanks have gone through dozens of transformations, I wouldn't be surprised if yours did too. I've gotta say though, that current set up, looks pretty good.

Hm, I've missed several threads. I had deadlines at work, tons of homework, and a test tomorrow that I have to keep studying for.... and I can't do an all nighter, b/c I have to be at Downtown tomorrow at 5:30 am to help set-up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. But from what I caught from this one... you have a 75 on the way?
Should be in soon. I am thinking 100 Neon Tetras.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
and oh yea...

I will CULL all the ones that fail to school to my satisfaction.

Would you "cull" your children if they didn't act to your satisfaction? :p

They'll tend to school more if they feel like there's a predator around. I think you could probably do two types of schools, and a "centerpiece" fish that'll keep them schooling.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008

Would you "cull" your children if they didn't act to your satisfaction? :p

They'll tend to school more if they feel like there's a predator around. I think you could probably do two types of schools, and a "centerpiece" fish that'll keep them schooling.