ok, as you cann see in my sig, a whole bunch of my fish are gone. They all died!!!!!
some would die within seconds and others would die slowly. i don't know why though, because my water is great(0 ammonia; 0 nitrite; and 7.4 PH), so what happened?
Please help!
btw here are some stockings i like for the 46 gallon:
6x black neon tetras, 6x lemon tetras, 6x white clouds, 6x von rio tetras, 6x cory cats, 2x bristlenose plecos, and 2x pearl gouramis.
6x black neon tetras, 6x white clouds, 6x cherry barbs, 6x von rio tetras, 6x cory cats, 2x bristlenose plecos, and a(some) colorful centerpeice fish[es]( ant suggestions?).