Quaddity's 70 gal corner build


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I'm back! After a long year of unemployment last year and selling my 90 and 40 gallon reefs to pay bills I have money and a tank again *BOUNCINGS

I got a ridiculously good deal on Craigslist yesterday. I got a $4000 tank in perfect shape for $200. I'm in a much smaller place now and don't have much room for a tank. A corner was ideal but I didn't think I'd find one. I found a Tenecor 70 gallon corner quarter cylinder tank with a back corner overflow, the overflow and sides are blue acrylic. Sump, skimmer, little giant return pump, heater, oak stand/canopy, and PC lights in the canopy. I'm psyched. Not sure what I'm going to do for more lightning as the PCs aren't nearly enough. Since it's 30" tall I thought maybe a 400w halide but I don't know how I would fit it so I will probably use 4 24" T5s and run actinics in the PCs. But looking at the top it's hinged and opens I may just take that off and hang a halide from the ceiling. Not sure yet.



Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i kno someone who has a 110 which i belive is 30" tall lit by all T5 so i can be done but with the shape of that tank it might be a little tricky... you got a good deal tho seeing as how it came with sup.return ect... WELCOME BACK!


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
i kno someone who has a 110 which i belive is 30" tall lit by all T5 so i can be done but with the shape of that tank it might be a little tricky... you got a good deal tho seeing as how it came with sup.return ect... WELCOME BACK!
Killer deal If you go order the same thing at Tenecor right now it's $3500 before shipping. I'm glad the lady worded her ad badly it didn't have reef or aquarium in the ad and had no details about it including the sump, skimmer, and lights. It was up for two days and no one snagged it.

Now that I looked at canopy it's completely hinged at there's a cut out area where the lights fit in. It looks like I could just put a 400w pendant on some legs and put it right over the cut out. But I'm thinking I may do a FOWLR and not worry about corals for a bit. I'm probably moving again by the end of a year. Would be less hassle moving a FOWLR.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
IMO if you have any plan of going reef in the future id still stay on the reefsafe side... with a footprint that small perching type fish would be cool... i like the longnose hawk


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I got a good deal from a guy tearing down a reef tank on 40 lbs of rock, a few snails and hermits, and a bangaii cardinal. I have some leakage from the bulk heads so I don't have the sump running yet. Should have it running tomorrow. For now a power heads and the heater are just in the main tank.



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
The pic above was lit with 1 28w PC. You'd think for a $3000+ setup they'd have better lighting. I bought a second 28w PC bulb that was missing. Plenty of light really if I stay FOWLR but I doubt I will. I'll probably add a couple 12" Eco LED strip lights to it. I visited a guy running 3 of those on a 30 gal tank the other day and his SPS were very healthy. Tomorrow is our monthly coral meeting I'm adding another 30+ lbs of rock, buying a couple Koralia 3s, and a 3 moonlight LED Tubes.

I got the leaks fixed (well 99% there's a slow drip from one bulkhead, that'll teach me not to put new bulkheads in when I buy a used tank) and the sump is running now. The sump for a such a ritzy priced tank should be twice the size and fill the space in the stand. It has a Seaclone skimmer but it's junk I'm not even running it. I'm going to get a bigger sump and a good skimmer.

I love the look of the tank though the quarter cylinder makes for great viewing and the curved oak stand a canopy look great. And for $200 I'm thrilled with it.


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Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Yeah I don't like it either. My friend gave it to me I thought I'd be able to work it in somewhere but nope hehe. I think I'll give it back and get some smaller pieces. I thought the two K3s in there with the return might be a bit much current but they seemed to be about perfect.