Quaddity's 70 gal corner build


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
nice stuff! glad you got over the cyano, i am still having trouble with it in one of my nanos :p
It's starting to come back. I had a light coating on the sand I sucked it all out with a water change the other night. But if it starts to get worse again I'll just do another blackout. My skimmer pump is not working well I need to pull my sump out and clean it but it's a real pain. It's tetris'ed in there no room under that corner stand.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
do you think a black out will work with hair algae?.... Ive scrubbed off most of it but it always seems to come back... I'm thinking I need to test my phosphates and my RO filter's actual filtering capability.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
unwritten, check that filter for TDS (hopefully you got one with the filter)

what kind of hair algae is it? if its bryopsis you may want to do the Kent tech magnesium nuking as the last resort, or maybe, get an emerald crab if you got rid of yours already (i remember something about him bothering the shrooms?) I think my emerald is the reason i was able to get my bryopsis completely out of my tank. Whenever i get a coral frag with bryopsis growing on it from the seller (too often) i give it to my crab and within the hour the frag is cleaned and returned all ready for its final destination lol. Hard working crabs, these emeralds, i am sorry you had such a mishap with yours

as for blackout, that will probably kill your corals more than the algae. if there's any trace of a nutrient, i be the HA will revive despite a blackout .Its such a hardy SOB that its hard to just reduce your nitrate and phosphate and other nutrient addition and actually get rid of it completely.

idk how else to help you man, im sorry :(

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Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Yea a blackout is only good really for the cyano being a bacteria rather than an algae it dies out quicker. As big of a pain as it is the way to get rid of hair algae is to clean up your water and manually remove as much of it as you can. Cleaning crew can help but will rarely be able to keep up with a hair algae outbreak. I still have a light amount of cyano on the sand it's not getting any worse so I'm not really concerned about it right now.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Well after about 7 months I'm going to sell this tank. Hate to do it but I'm moving out of my apartment and into a house this month and there's no good corners for this style of tank where people will see it. Another successful tank for me. Next up will be a longer and shallower reef tank after I get settled in the house in a couple months.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
unfortunate. maybe you can salvage most of the things for it and reuse stuff like the live rock and coral instead of selling everything and then rebuying it?


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
We have a very active reef scene here in Phoenix when I'm ready to get back up and running I'll have no problem finding cheap live rock, tank, frags, etc. Some of my more choice corals like the yellow frogspawn are going to a friend's tank so I'll be able to get a frag of it again. When I had to sell my 90 gallon last year that was unfortunate because I was unemployed and had to use the money to pay bills on the house I eventually lost. I don't feel too bad this time because I'm getting out of my tiny apartment and back into a house that has some nice spaces for a longer tank ;)


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I sold everything this weekend. I'm pretty amazed that it went fast and smooth. Someone bought all the live rock in one shot without me weighing it yesterday morning so that made things easy. I made about $900 which is what I felt the tank was worth so I'm happy. I'm sure I'll have a nano in the new house sooner than later. I'm thinking I may do a 75-90 gal freshwater planted tank. I have never attempted that and have always wanted to do one.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I picked up a 6 gallon Fluval Edge aquarium at our local reef auction last Saturday. The top glass has been cut off so it's a rimless really and should be much easier to clean over a stock Edge. Going to put some MR11 LED lights in it and do a saltwater macro algae tank I think for something different with a small pistol shrimp/goby pair. Cool looking little tank. Couldn't resist it at $20.