When I move out I'm dedicating my whole garage to my pets. It's going to be my "personal zoo". Of course it'll have an __thousand gallon pond. Forget the stupid car!
300-ish gallon tank
Thickly planted and perfectly aquascaped. A rock background with caves carved right in it!
Altum angels, discus, Bolivian rams, a huge school of odessa barbs (40-50), Royal pleco, a nice big school Sterbai cories (20)..
__thousand gallon concrete pond.
Lots of driftwood, lilypads.
Oscars, jaguar cichlids, midas cichlids, ropefish, arowana, rtc, ID sharks, Common plecos, probably some map turtles.
If any of you are interested in indoor ponds, check out monster fishkeepers. They have *tons* of indoor pond threads. I almost made myself a 500-ish gallon indoor pond, then I realized my mom probably wouldn't be too happy about me taking over her laundry room... or the living room...
I too would like an african cichlid tank. Hmm... there's that space underneath my paludarium..