Wow, today was certainly interesting. We basically transferred my stock to his tank. We took over: Yellow Tang, Coral Beauty Angel, Goldstripe Maroon Clown Pair, Snowflake Moray Eel, 2 Turbo Snails.
Yellow Tang: Netted, BAD idea....her acanthus got caught for a few seconds, we had to hold her with one hand and slowly take the net off of it. She has shown the lead chromis and foxface who will be boss. *SUPERSMIL
Coral Beauty: Flopped around a bit, the tang tried slicing her during acclimation though. She chases the chromis a bit too. She LOVES the tonga mazes.
Clown Pair: Handled with a cup instead of a net, that went well. They swim together more now. They've thought of checking out the hammer coral.
Snowflake Eel: Freak accident, this went bad, but he's okay. My dad had him in a net while my brother was bringing a large tupperware over the net, but the eel shot up, knocked the lid HARD, the tupperware+1/2galSW went flying, the eel landed on my bed, slid to the floor, and was going to attempt going under my bed. Luckily, my dad picked up a pitcher that we used, scooped him up, and then pressed the tupperware lid over the pitcher, then we just filled that with some water. NOTES: He is STRONG, and weighs about 1lb. He definitely likes all the new places to explore. He defintely looks bigger on my bedroom floor than in a tank.
The chromis now school more, trying to seek strength in numbers, which is more appealing to us. The foxface...well...he just kinda hangs out, eats, and swims out in the open a bunch.
We went up to the LFS, I got good news when we did. I start working next Saturday at noon!
We dropped off the 3" 3-Stripe Damsel, and got $1.50 for it. While we were there we picked up some pearl branching hammer! The tank will be left alone for a month now to let things calm down, then some more stuff will be added.
Without further ado, pictures...
Snowflake Eel (as my dad calls it, "The Snake")
Euphyillia anchora (Hammer Coral)
Size comparison shot of the big boys on campus..
Male Maroon