Lots of updates..
-Sun Coral, Green Galaxia, Fire Polyps, Yellow Polyps, Pipe Organ, Clove Polyps, Green Star Polyps, and Green Polyps
-3 Emerald Mithrax Crabs
-Blue Tuxedo Urchin
-Bubble Tip Anemone
The first anemone ate a krill the second day, and consumed it in a normal time frame. Later that night, it shrunk considerably, and the krill was expelled. The next few nights it would shrink again, continuously, until the fourth day it did not open again. I think this might have to do with the length of our photoperiod, 8hrs, but I am not sure. Another anemone has taken its place (14-day guarentee LiveAquaria) and seems to be in much better condition. This one is a lot greener, and the tentacles are pretty fat.
-Female Blue Throat Trigger (4")
She is definitely the largest fish in the tank (except the eel). She was added last night, and is still pretty shy. I tried to take a picture of her, but she went into her cave and put up her trigger. She is absolutely gorgeous, I love the "face" and body pattern. She has also taken frozen krill straight from the feeding stick (to my surprise).
Thats all for now, enjoy!