29g nano journal!


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
YES!!! my ammonia is finally at 0! My nitrites are still not even on my color scales. I am also getting very nice purple and green coraline aglae growing on my rocks! About 2 day i ago i turned on my lights after i got home from school and there where these worm like things all over the substrate, some might have been up to an inch long?! should i be worried about this? My substrate also has brown algae all over it too. Really the only question i have to day is, can i put some type of an anemone in a 29gal tank? If so what type of lighting would i need? I wouldnt add it for about another 6-7 months or more. So what do you think of the tank?!!!



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Worms = good cleaners

I don't really know if a 29g will have enough room for both corals and an anemone. Most anemones that will host clowns will get big and sting all the corals near them. You could probably get away with good PC lighting, but more intense lighting from a T5 HO or MH would be better.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Im for sure going with MH's, just not sure of what kind or brand i want. I really like the sunpaq that you showed me but it says that it is still not in stock yet on aquariumguys. Okay, i dont really need an anemone i thought that it would just be cool to have one. Well i guess its time to start talking about the first of my cuc? The only thing im not getting, no matter what, are turbo snails. I dont like how big they get. I would like to get blue legged h crab/crabs and scarlet crab/ crabs. What would be some good snails to start with? sorry for so many questions.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
To be honest, you probably shouldn't get many (if any) hermit crabs. They'll bother your corals and kill your snails. Maybe get two or three of them, if you really like them. Astrea, nassarius and cerith are all good snails.

Anemones are the kind of thing you really need to think about. Clowns don't need them, and they're very picky and can be hard to get going. They need excellent light and excellent water quality, as well as feeding a few times a week. There is also the problem with corals. If you get lucky, you'll get one that stays put. If you're unlucky, you'll get one that goes into the powerhead and nukes the tank or one that goes wandering and kills half of your corals. They are pretty cool creatures, but definitely something you need to plan for.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Okay i like the nassarius and cerith snails. How big do the astrea snails get, they look like they get big. O i just remembered, i would also like to add a cleaner shrimp eventually. So i think ill start out with 2 nassarius and 3 ceriths, how does that sound? [ i was told only to get about half of what you will eventually get]


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
I like my ceriths they do a good job cleaning up algae and such. I hear astreas can't flip over and will die if not flipped over that's something to consider. I have turbos and they are big for a 29 but can flip over. The ceriths seem to have trouble flipping over. I like the nassarius they do a good job cleaning up too. I purchased too many snails and some have died as there is not enough algae for them to eat. Also, snails only eat certain kinds of algae and not everything growing in your tank which is something to consider. Anyways your numbers sound pretty good. Personally, I would get five ceriths and between five and ten nassarius. Nassarius are real small and burrow in the sand so you can get more. Anyways, good luck. Oh, thanks for asking the question about anemones in 29 gallon I was considering getting one eventually but probably will not now since it'll probably kill or burn the coral I have/will have or die on its own.


Large Fish
Jul 5, 2005
Trust me get half at the start. The last thing you want is a bunch of snails dieing throwing off your water since your tank is young and inverts like snails can be sensitive. You wanna see how a the few do and if they all are doing well go ahead and get ur second half.

my .02


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I think astrea snails should be fine. They get to about an inch. They're good for cleaning glass and rockwork. Yes, if they fall, they can't always right themselves, but a lot of people say they don't fall unless they're sick. I know I still have most of the ones I started with, so I think they're fairly hardy.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Lol shift, you threw me off for a second with the .02, but i got it. And yes shift i decided the minute you told me that[which was like a week ago] i was only going to get half of my total number. So to start off how does this sound, 1 astrea , 3 ceriths, and 2 nassuiras? Not good on my stocking limits yet for saltwater.


Large Fish
Jul 5, 2005
Hahaha, cool. I made that mistake twice and threw my tank off at the start. You've been patient but i still wouldnt want that to happen to you. I think you could bump it up a little bit. 3 astrea 3 ceriths 3 nassarius maybe 1 nerite.

This is my cuc list. I dont have too much, but everything is in control and the snails have grown!

4 astrea
1 nerite
1 margarita
1 cerith
5 nassarius
4 blue leg hermits
1 scarlet leg hermit

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