For starters none of my posts said I was better than any one. I am the one who sits here being called names. Yet now i am expected to just sit here and take it.. I think not!
For starter rubbing alcohol is caustic. If you drink enough of it you will die. A slow and agonizing death. Plain and simple. no argument is needed to dispute the fact. Never have I said a fish doesn't suffer from being mixed in a 50/50 solution of vodka....not even in my deleted posts did I EVER SAY THIS. I simply said that to put a fish in rubbing alcohol is as bad as putting the fish in a bath of acid. At least in daluted vodka it is not as harsh, the fish gets drunk. The fish then goes into it's own form of alcohol poisoning. But unlike you and I they are very small. They do not have the luxury of the hours of pain we feel. The alcohol takes over the fishes body who in retrospect has no choice but to shut down.
I have seen this first hand, and can assure you yes the fish struggles. But it lasts for about 4 seconds. Even to me this is actually too long, however I have never put a fish in RUBBING ALCOHOL. Drink that stuff and see how you feel tomorrow. I guarantee you if you are alive you will wish for death. Go ahead and ask any alcoholic.
Gonzo..I wish you good luck with your fish.
Edit: I still stand behing my blender method for small fish