Update time.
So today I finally went to the LFS and got a clean up crew. But am not that happy with it. As I had said the guy at the LFS does not like me, he is not friendly at all. He was like rushing me and when I ask questions he was being rude. Well not a good experience. I was asking what other snails i could get and all that he's telling me everybody uses these you should use them too. "JERK". I have to look for another LFS. Anyways. I got :-
10 turbo snails $1.00 per snail.
9 Blue leg Hermit crabs $1.00 per crab (Although I paid for 10, Only found out at home!)
1 Emerald Green CRAB. (My fav) $3.99.
I got them home and put them in the tank have a few bad pictures. I used the float method and am not sure if I did ok. Well I added all the snails and the crabs to the tank but they are not moving just sitting at one place. Most propably shock. Will see how they do in 24 hours.
saltwater4life said:
Nice that isn't bad for not being good at it
and what are your plans for cleaner uppers?
Thanks. It didn't look that good to me. Well if people are liking then thats perfect.
Lorna said:
that looks great! The pieces on top are stable right? you don't want them falling and killing something. Otherwise, nice job. And nice rock.
That clam was probably the reason your cycle took so long......
Thanks Lorna. Yeah the top rock is very stable. I double checked all the rocks. I also kinda though that it was the clam which made things worse.
Snails floating.
Crabs floating. You can see the Emrald crab. Not that clear.
This is what I used for adding water every 5-10 mins
Pic of the crabs waiting in the bag.
Sorry the picture quality is not that good. There was very low lighting. I will post some better pics once I go home.