Finally 20 Gallon Setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
How long does it take for snails and crabs to get used to the tank and start moving. I just got an update from home that they are still in the same position as I had left them? I am a little worried about them? Is this normal? Even the emerald green crab has not moved at all! It has been about 4 hours and no movement. I know it sounds stupid but I dont have experience with them and am a little worried.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
They were alive when i brought them! they were active when I was acclimating them. They are not dead I hope. Just have not moved at all. I am at work actually and had asked my girlfriend about them. She said they have not moved at all. I will go home in one hour and see for myself. Although just wanted to know if this was normal. Do you think I did not acclimate correctly?

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Salinity ususually isnt a problem if it was only off by a few digits, sometimes Ive found snails in specific to sometimes be a bit lethargic when added to the tank, but they usually spring up and start eating everything in time.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mushroomman said:
Salinity ususually isnt a problem if it was only off by a few digits, sometimes Ive found snails in specific to sometimes be a bit lethargic when added to the tank, but they usually spring up and start eating everything in time.

Had floated them for 15 mins and I acclimated them for 1 hour and 15 mins. I will wait at least 24 hours and see what happens. If they die they die I can't do anything now. Next time I will just use the drip method. Hope everything goes ok.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Ok I am home. Checked the tank and everything is fine. They are moving around and everything. The emerald green crab has gone in hiding. He has cleared most of the hair algae. I was a little worried, Now everything is fine. A newbie is always worried.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
lol nice i should get one to eat all my hair algae although my hair algae looks funny :D but he probbly will come out when he smells food (i think, maybe not...)
Well good luck :)

He has not come out yet! Still waiting. Anyways I was wondering how long should I wait before I can get some fish and corals? I know fish will come first and then coral but how long should I wait.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
depends i got my first 2 fish 1 or 2 weeks after my tank cycled but i just couldn't get to a pet store any sooner and i wanted to make sure i was done with the cycle and you probbly get a coral a week or so after your fish just to get the stuff going in the tank like the fish crab and other things :D but this is in IMO you could do this it worked for me :D


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
depends i got my first 2 fish 1 or 2 weeks after my tank cycled but i just couldn't get to a pet store any sooner and i wanted to make sure i was done with the cycle and you probbly get a coral a week or so after your fish just to get the stuff going in the tank like the fish crab and other things :D but this is in IMO you could do this it worked for me :D

ok Thats what i was also thinking. Next week I will get 2 fish and the week after I will add some corals. The snails and crabs I got crap alot. They are like pigs.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
kevin4052002 said:
If you get the corals established and growing before you add fish, they will balance out your nutrient system so that you aren't stuck fighting nuisance algaes.

Can I already add corals? Which on would you recommend for a newbie. The tank has been running for 4 weeks.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Its only the 3rd day and there has been a casualty already. Some of the bigger hermit crabs ganged up on one of the smaller one and killed him. Rip!. Now the bigger one is running around the tank with 2 shells(kinda funny). I am actually short of money other wise I would have bought some corals. Will have to wait until the next pay check. Although I am thinking of adding 2 clown fish any suggestions. Should I wait and get the corals 1st and then fish? As for the fish I will be getting them for free as I am going to exchange them for a few convict fry that I have. What do you guys think.