Finally 20 Gallon Setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Skimmer Question.

There is this guy selling a CPR Bak Pak II for $60. Seems like a good deal. He says that the Bio Bale is new. And comes in the original box and everything. I am thinking I should go for it? What do you guys think?


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
umm sounds good if i was you i'd ask him to show you it works and doesn't leak sounds good though

I totally forgot about the leaks. Well good thing you reminded me. I will ask him. I can't wait for him to reply to my email and I can go check it out. Thanks for the tips.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
I just checked my tank. A found about 20-30 tiny things crawling on the glass. They are very tiny, white in color and very fast crawlers? Any ideas? I would have posted pics but they are very tiny to take photos.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mushroomman said:
Prolly copepods or something

If you plan on upgrading in the future Id pick up that bak pak, those skimmers are great and the deal is good.

Exactly thats what they are. They are definitly copepods. Are they good or bad? I read somewhere that they are main food staple for mandarins? But I don't have any Mandarins. Yesterday I just got 2 clowns. Do the clowns also eat them. It looks like that the clowns are pecking on the rocks. So its possible that are eating the coppods. Although I have no idea from where did they come from?

AS for the skimmer. I know it is a very good deal but the guy lives like 50 miles away. I will try my best to get it. I am still working on getting the skimmer. Hopefully everything will go through.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
OK A Big update

I sealed the deal on the CPR Bak Pak II skimmer. I will be getting it by thursday. He lives about 50 miles from me so we made a deal on shipping. I will be paying $5 for shipping any extra he will get it. So the total cost of the skimmer is $65. I think thats still a pretty good deal. Well I will post pics as soon as I will get the skimmer. I am so happy(I think).


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
a hint on the not put the biobale in especially if you are running a a piece of pvc down the outlet tube to about an inch off the bottom to reduce micro bubbles returning to the tank....also to make it more efficient run an air line with a wooden airstone down into the bubble chamber and your efficiency will increase immensely. I know these things as I also have a bakpak....


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
wow looks nice where do you find these good deals...
well I let them find me *thumbsups .. I just post on craigslist in the wanted section and people mail me them selfs. You just should know how to bargain.

Lorna said:
a hint on the not put the biobale in especially if you are running a a piece of pvc down the outlet tube to about an inch off the bottom to reduce micro bubbles returning to the tank....also to make it more efficient run an air line with a wooden airstone down into the bubble chamber and your efficiency will increase immensely. I know these things as I also have a bakpak....

Lorna do you have a picture or something. I don't have the skimmer with me yet so I did not get anything that you wrote. but I really would like to know exactly what to do where and how to increase efficiency. Help will be highly appreciated Lorna.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Jumping back to the Clowns, How are they doing?

Eating yet?

Have you tried mysis shrimp?

The other thing to do is hatch your own baby brine shrimp to help get them eating.

Well Thanks for asking. They seem to be doing pretty good. They were dinning on copepods that all of a sudden appeared in my tank. They have controlled them quit a bit. And I am 100% sure cuz i have seen them do that. Well they have even started eating flake food. The 1st few days are a little difficult to feed as they don't know when they will be fed. They just get used to the feeding timings and they come up to the top when it is feeding time. Hopefully they will be fine. They seem to be adjusting pretty good.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mahamotorworks said:
It is goods to hear that they are doing well. Post more pics.


Thanks I am happy too! They are doing good. which means on Saturday I can get some corals. I will post pics soon. I have been very busy with work. Doing an upgrade on one of our clients systems. I Am actually waiting for the skimmer also. Hopefully I will be getting it today. Thats what the seller told me when he shipped it out on Tuesday. If not today then most probably Friday then I will definitely post pics be sure of that.