My new Saltwater tank

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Fluval is not inevitably a disaster though they will end up as nitrate machines, and aren't really very good anyway. The nitrate is far,far better than ammonia to have, but will cause you algae problems. Please read the stickies. The seaclown really is junk

An SG of 1.018 is not going to kill any diseases - fairy story. Saves the store some salt tho'


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
You dont use a filter on a saltwater tank!!! Filters not only are a nitrate reactors but it will also remove trace elements in your water. (if you are doing coral thats a big problem) The rock does the filtering for you. Its also best to get a new skimmer. I had a seaclone at first and well needless to say it gave out on me. It will work for a while and then just stop. At least mine did and it was on my 30G. They are junk its worth the money to buy a good one. (again ecspecially if you are going to do coral). What you can do is remove the media in your filter and use it for more current. You want a fairly strong current. Good Luck!!!

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Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
yeah man ram i am goin to get some sand tonite from a guy i know. my powerhead i have right now cycles the whole tank 15 or so times an hour so its good again the store i went to today uses the seaclne and it works good he said and he said the fluval is fine

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
No offience but I wouldn't take advise from that LFS anymore! Are advise here at MFT is free and we have nothing to gain from giving it to you, other than helping make you a more informed aquarium keeper...your LFS on the other hand has a lot to gain ($$$) in selling you a bunch of products you do not need. Your choice of course!


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Man if you can return those it would be great 4 u . Serioulsy, seaclone sucks.

BTW Guppie, skimming also removes trace elements and the fluval alone with nothing in it ( like carbon ), will not removes anything. Anyways, the trace elements removal seems light in any cases


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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The guys who sold me my seaclone were using it at the store...they said it was great blablabla super blablabla powerful. No. It's not. Damn. Wasted money.
If you wait until you have problems it's gonna be a pain. Po4 and nitrates.
Crap in your substrate, on your rocks. Anyways i'm not here to bash a skimmer, i just wanted you to know you can save some troubles.

Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
hey again everyone i just went to a guy i met he gave me 3 or so lbs of his live sand from his tank this shud help out the cycling i asked him about cycling with damsels and he said that is a great idea i asked him about the seaclone and the fluval and he said they work well so i dont know what you guys meen when you say theyre crap because he knows what hes doin and he says there fine


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
I dont know alot about salt water tanks,but why ask for advice, if your gonna do your own thing anyways?!people are just telling you to help you get the best for your money,I hope there all right,and you didnt take there advice.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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actually its not, look online in other areas...all the information we have given you is acurate...the seaclone is a piece of junk, your ph was way too low, and cycling with damsels works...but it is stupid, un-necessary, and a waste of fish. I think your going to do what ever you want anyways, even though you obviously have no idea what your doing. Why would you ask for our opinions when you don't care? How do you know if this guy knows what he is doing? there are plenty of people out there who are running tanks(and I use that term loosely) and have no idea what they are doing, and think they do, in fact many of them own pet stores.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hey Fishchaser,

Everyone here is only trying to help, so please don't take any of our suggestions the wrong way. It's just that we see a lot of newbies to the SW world making a lot of unwise choices and receiving some misinformed info from people who just don't know any better, or are trying to make a $$$. This dosen't mean you should jump right in and listen to every suggestion we have either...a few people told me I should take back my pink sea cucumber when I got it; but I did my research and new what I was getting into and the risks involved and hey... I still have him and he is doing well! But I appritiated their concerns and I made sure I was that much more carefull with the cucumber. So always research as much as possible and like I said before we have nothing to gain from offering you our advise... and our advise usually comes from our own experiances!


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Hehehe...yes Sam has decided to join the fun. Fishchaser, most of these people who have been replying to you have been on this forum for a long time. We know from experience whats going to give you problems and whats going to make saltwater fun and enjoyable...we also know what will save you a boatlaod of money. When it comes to that seaclone, sometimes they work sometimes they dont, in general however they suck. I think it was Dbacksrat who had his leak and almost light his living room on fire.
Basically what im saying is that there is always going to be debating and have to open your mind to criticism and advice...remember most people will try to guide you the right way.

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