Update on cory fry


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I looked at the floaty guys more closely and discovered that they had "bubbles" behind their heads. The non-floaty ones don't. What is that? Could that be the problem?
Well, I was hoping that somebody would post fresh thoughts, but I guess you'll have to make do with mine. ;)

Do you think those are air bubbles? Does your filter outflow produce a lot of bubbles in the tank? Maybe they're getting too close to the outflow and bubbles are adhering to their skin (something that I believe is bad for them)? I dunno; just a thought.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
OK, Kissyboots, me again. Sorry. (Figured I'd give it a couple of hours before posting again.)

I suggest two things:

1) when feeding the fry try to stick some food right at the water line to see if the floaty fry will at least eat to give them time to heal on their own and
2) re-post this problem in the "Emergency" section to raise its visibility so that someone else might read about it!

(As I expected, those are some excellent pictures! *thumbsup2 That should help someone diagnose the problem.)

Haven't updated in a while because there's really nothing new. Today I cleaned and counted 25. That means 2 big guys and 23 little guys. I started out with 32 little guys. Scary loss! Anyway, took some pics. Here are four (three of them old) all taken in the same container in the corner to see the comparison between then and now...enjoy!


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The floaty ones i fed to Finfin...I don't think they would have survived. Luckily, I don't see that problem in any of the others so I think I'm over that. I did find one dead this morning when I cleaned. Don't know why he died cuz he had a full tummy...I also found three newborns in the 20g AGAIN. But I put them back in after I fished them out of the poo water. I don't want any more. If they survive, good for them. If they don't, good for the fish that ate them...:eek:

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Oooo. I so want to put them in the 5g at least. But they are still too small...I noticed that they were starting to eat a lot more food recently so I fed them like 5 times today. Not just little portions but BIG ones! They ate all of it. All that's left is their poo which is the same size as the food. Anyway, I'll keep updating. I have a video of them zooming around but my camera's battery is dead so you'll have to wait. :D

Problem: One of the big guys just died. Born end of Jan.

I don't know what happened. Today I found that he was pretty bloated and had his fins clamped. He also got stuck to the filter, which I unplugged, and then he swam away. I dismissed this strange behavior and then just noticed that he flipped over. Dead. :(

What was wrong with him?

See how he's all bloated up?

He couldn't even shut his mouth. (In all the sadness though, I have to say his eye looks pretty cool, but is that even normal?) :(