29 Gal Build Log : My First SW Tank


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
man spllouder me and you think alike i also moved my light closer to the water today.
I like your style too . i used your post as a guide really so i should thank you .

Those daylight bulbs are usually somewhere between 5000K and 10,000K. It should be good for the chaeto.

Glad the eggcrate is working for you.

Ya thanks for the idea , i plan to used the left over eggcrate to redo my aquaclear fuge . i can do better with this matrial . but will not got over board because i plans for a 10 g sump/refuge is in the works for a winter project .


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Tommrow I'am going to the new LFS I found and check it out . No wonder I never seen it becuase it is in a Warehouse and is called Midwest Tropical Inports . Sounds like this is a good place and afforable and fish are always looks really happy and healty , so I heard . I plan to replace my False Perculsa Clown tommrow . And iam placing a Frag Order tonight on Ebay and will be here tuesday . I will post pics as always as soon as I get new stuff and later of what I bought .

Also The Egg crate in the aquaclear really helped it with the flow and now gets even flow thru the rocks and threw the Chaeto Algae . Proablyy around 250-300 GPH Flow . Marco Algae is growing very fast now and has reduced my Nitrate to Zero !!! WOOO

Tank Readings ...

Temp 79.8
S/G 1.024
Amn 0.0
Nitrite 0.0
Nitrate 0.0 :)
PH 8.4

Should I buy any other test kits are they necessary for me ? Thanks

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Tank Update !

Well , I replaced my Clownfish and also bought a Lawnmower blenny . also a Sepernent Star its black with brownish tan striped .

Have a concern about the blenny he has weird bulges in his body ? Here are the pics :

First the FTS Can you see him ?

Heres a Closeup of the clown and blenny

Also i Checked my Cheato algae and it was starting to turn brown where it was real close to the light ? How close should it be ? is it getting burned ?

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Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
The tank looks like it's coming along nicely! Just gotta wipe out that last little bit of hair algae.

I like that new Blenny, I could see him in the first pic, but only after looking at the second one ;) .

Had any luck tracking down any frags?


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Just Placed a Frag Order !!!

Got 9 Frags on ebay for $105 Shipped Overnight. Here is my list i got .

Live coral silver green pumping xenia elongata 1 head (270168018989)

Fiji Orange/Green Zoanthid Mix , 12 to 14 polyp frag (270168718881)

Orange Florida Ricordia Mushroom Live coral Single

Green/Blue Florida Ricordia Mushroom Live coral Single

Red Florida Ricordia Mushroom Live coral Single

Rare Reddish base Green tip Torch Live coral Euphyllia

Free Corals :


Blow Pop Zoa's or RadioActive Dragon Eyes Zoa's

Twilight Pink Palythoa

Also Grabed 7 Cerith Snails . And all will be shipped Monday . And will be here tuesday .

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
very nice... just be careful ordering stuff like that off ebay. unless its a store alot of times they dont pack the stuff right or you dont get what they said ...dont mean to jinx you but just givin ya a heads up ;)


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Update !

The Lawn Mower blenny Died last night . and one turbo snail looks like its dieing today . Maybe theres no algae ?

I tested water :

Amn = 0
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 0
ph = 8.2

temp 78.3

This blenny did not look good at all when i got him home . and did not see him really before the owner found him hiding he said .

but why is my turbo dieing ? its the last Small one i have ? now i have 4 good size turbos left .

also i gona do my first Water chage since the cycle completed . 3 gallons is mixing now . whould doing two 3 gallon water chages a month be ok ?

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Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Well, I'm no expert but 6 gallons a month sounds too light.

In my FW tanks I do 25% WC's every week.

I have been doing bi-weekly WC's in my 29g SW tank, but now that I've begun stocking I'll be changing that to weekly, so basically I'll change approx. 7 gallons a week. I know that some may say that's too much, but I'm willing to spend the money for the best quality water I can have.

I'm currently buying premixed water from my LFS for .45 cents a gallon so it costs me approx. $3.15/week for WC's