Shipped fish?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I think you were just being impatient, but hey, that's me :)

Seriously, though, I've been on both ends of the shipping fish deal. There's no money, and a lot of hassle in it for the seller. The seller can't get a refund on the shipping charges, so if something goes wrong, you basically have to swallow that cost.

Uncommon fish can be hard to come by, especially when everyone wants them, or they're in fashion. You either need to be really patient, or have a ton of cash.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
that is total BS! that is just poor customer service and laziness! like sd said.. he ships on monday and tuesday.. so wtf is wrong with tomorrow.. says tuesday on my calendar! I would tell him that you want all your money back or you will blast his store all over the internet! dammit


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well as aggravated as I may be from this I do think that Lotus is right and I'm just being impatient about things. Its tough not to be when I have been looking forward to getting these fish for so long but I will just wait another week and get my fish from him. I'm not going to demand things from him because all I'm going to end up doing is pissing him off and I really don't want to do that and I don't want to go around the internet slamming the guy.

He is in a tough spot having to ship out all these fish every week and I'm in a tough spot because I'm impatient and want to have my fish. I understand that and waiting will be fine.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
I think you were just being impatient, but hey, that's me :)

Seriously, though, I've been on both ends of the shipping fish deal. There's no money, and a lot of hassle in it for the seller. The seller can't get a refund on the shipping charges, so if something goes wrong, you basically have to swallow that cost.

Uncommon fish can be hard to come by, especially when everyone wants them, or they're in fashion. You either need to be really patient, or have a ton of cash.
I can understand that they can be hard to come by.. but I don't agree with taking someones money when you don't have the fish to ship. Don't list them for sale if you have to try to get them. Only if you have in stock.. IMO


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Well, if something has already gone wrong with a delivery, and the Post Office was closed on Monday, he's probably looking out for the welfare of the fish by waiting until next week.

To be honest, I neither send nor buy fish at this time of year (unless they're coming from CA, AZ or NV) because of the harsh weather. I'd rather give the fish the best chance of an easy trip and wait a few months. :)

Think about it this way: he maybe makes $5 off the sale of a pair of apistos. For that, he's answered numerous e-mails, gone down to the Post Office, perhaps made a claim and will have to send out another pair, pack them up and take them to the P.O. again. I say be really thankful that someone is willing to work for way less than minimum wage to send you the fish you really want.

... there's a reason I keep my day job and don't send out fish or plants anymore. :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
Well as aggravated as I may be from this I do think that Lotus is right and I'm just being impatient about things. Its tough not to be when I have been looking forward to getting these fish for so long but I will just wait another week and get my fish from him. I'm not going to demand things from him because all I'm going to end up doing is pissing him off and I really don't want to do that and I don't want to go around the internet slamming the guy.

He is in a tough spot having to ship out all these fish every week and I'm in a tough spot because I'm impatient and want to have my fish. I understand that and waiting will be fine.
I agree with that too.. to a point.. If he is in a tough spot having to ship out all these fish every week... then he needs to hire help or make perfectly clear that he might not have in stock what you want.. or that it may take a month to get your order.. I don't see it as fair.

If you ordered something from would you accept this treatment? would you say.. ok no problem.. I understand that you ship out alot of orders.. to me that isn't your problem.

I can understand what you are saying though.. I just have a pet peeve when businesses do that after they have your money.. they will do most anything to get your money.. but once in hand.. different ball game.

I hope you get your fish and they are healthy.. sorry for the rant

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Lotus is right on the money about hassle vs. benefit when it comes to shipping out fish---especially this time of year. Waiting for the new shipment is your best bet at this point, so I think you've made the right decision. If the option is available to you (i.e. if apistodave is willing to hold the fish for a while), I'd even consider waiting until the weather warms up a bit. Above freezing would be a good start; especially given this latest cold-front. :rolleyes:



Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I agree with Lotus, you are lucky he is giving you a refund at all being that the fish sat in the bag for an extra couple of hours after they were delivered. Most sellers require a DOA picture within an hour of delivery.

DwarfGourami - he already shipped him a pair of apistos and they were DOA. He didn't just take his money and run. He shipped out the fish like he was supposed to and somehow the fish didn't make it. Now, he is going to ship out a new pair at very little cost to Alter. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, in fact, I think that he is a great seller. And I don't blame him for waiting until after the holiday either. When there is a holiday in the post office, everything gets backed up. The mail carriers have to deliver 2 days worth of mail in one day. Even if the fish make it to the post office in two days, they might get lost in the shuffle and not make it to Alter for four days.

Alter - don't let this put you off from ordering fish online. I've had a lot of good experiences ordering fish/shrimp/plants online, with only one bad experience ( I have ordered from LiveAquaria before as well, but I would recommend ordering from other hobbyists. Like Lotus said, they don't make alot of money doing it, but they do it for the good of the hobby. They want others to be able to enjoy the fish that they have worked so hard at raising.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I agree with what your saying MO, I was aggravated when I was posting that stuff and when I thought about it I also thought about the deal with them having to deliver 2 days worth of mail in one day as well. I also apologized to apistodave because I know I'm probably being a pain to deal with but he just said don't worry that he will get me some fish. I look forward to hopefully getting them next week.

I will may order fish and shrimp online again but I'm not sure. Plants I would order online still for sure. I'm sure that this is just one of the few bad experiences of many good ones.

Jul 19, 2007
I ve had this dilemma occur to me before and in the end, i waited since last july to get the type of fish i wanted...and just last week i finally got my order of badis badis and dario dario that i have wanted...its well worth the wait and planning involved if you really want it


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Dwarf..I agree with you 100%...where else can you get service (lack of) and people actually say he is in the right...that total BS... If he doesnt want to be in the business because he only makes 5 bucks off each fish then get out of it, When you decided to advertise and sell a product you take the responsibilty of satisfying your customer base...Has he blown off the other people he has sold to on auctions and whatever for the past 3 weeks?

Be patient my butt....He paid a higher price almost a month ago to get the fish he wanted. This seller lists those same fish for 16.00 a pr on a price sheet, he needs to ship them for free. How is it Alters fault they arrived dead?

If this is the kind of service that is standard in this business or that most of you seem to think is acceptable then something is definately wrong in this hobby. Any other business realizes customer service and word of mouth means everything to a small business, so they take care of their customers.


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
My personal opinion is that people that know they are shipping to cold climates should depend on more than a heat pack. I don't know what the weather is like in other parts of the country this time of year, but I don't think a fish in a box with a heater pack would last more than a few hours total exposure, and you can be sure that most postal offices aren't heated that well, to say nothing of the trucks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Are you kidding me? He paid for the fish on the 2nd, they were shipped on the 5th and they arrived on the 7th. A total of five days from receipt of payment, to being on Alters doorstep. They were happens. That doesn't mean that he is a bad seller because the fish were DOA. It has been a total of 20 days since this whole fiasco started, and we have had horrible weather here in Ohio for the past two weeks so I'm sure the weather in PA has been pretty ****ty as well. I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to ship the fish out yet. He is saving both him and Alter alot of time and money by waiting to ship the fish out, and IMO that means that he is a good seller. He doesn't want to jeopardize the health/life of the fish just because someone wants their fish NOW.

And BTW...I paid $19.99 each for my two apistos when I bought them at the lfs, so $24 a pair for those fish is not that bad.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I didn't want to start any kind of argument here.

He did package the fish well in a styrofoam box with 2 heat packs that really kept the inside of the box warm. I think he is a good seller and is handling things in the right way even though I'm impatient.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
LOL... Out of respect for you and the forum/ your thread I will let the above comments go with no response, Other than if weather is the determining factor then dont sell/ship this time of year. Other than that this will be my last post to this thread, well until they arrive and you get the pics posted..


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
Are you kidding me? He paid for the fish on the 2nd, they were shipped on the 5th and they arrived on the 7th. A total of five days from receipt of payment, to being on Alters doorstep. They were happens. That doesn't mean that he is a bad seller because the fish were DOA. It has been a total of 20 days since this whole fiasco started, and we have had horrible weather here in Ohio for the past two weeks so I'm sure the weather in PA has been pretty ****ty as well. I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to ship the fish out yet. He is saving both him and Alter alot of time and money by waiting to ship the fish out, and IMO that means that he is a good seller. He doesn't want to jeopardize the health/life of the fish just because someone wants their fish NOW.

And BTW...I paid $19.99 each for my two apistos when I bought them at the lfs, so $24 a pair for those fish is not that bad.
nope! no joke.. if he shipped the fish out on the 5th and alter recieved them on the 7th.. that is two days.. so if he shipped them out on tuesday after the holiday.. he should of had them thursday! usually the only mail that gets delayed is standard post. Not overnight or priority mail. the issue is that the fish arrived doa.. it happens I know. but he drug his feet with replacing the fish. the decision should of been up to alter when to ship out the fish.. since he would be paying the addition shipping charges. so let me ask a ?. if apistodave files a claim with the post office to get a refund because of doa.. is he going to refund alters $$$.. since he will be paying the shipping twice? I doubt it. is the seller looking out for the fish or himself? since he only makes $5 on a pair of fish. I agree with brian.. I will never buy fish online after reading this thread. You get excited to get the fish only to have them dead, have to pay again to have them shipped with no guarantee that they will arrive alive, only to have to wait until the seller feels like shipping out another pair... see the pattern developing here..


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
I am not trying to start a war here.. I just want alter to be treated right. The man paid for fish almost 20 days ago and still doesn't have the final result.. apistos in his tank.

I will leave this thread alone.. didn't mean to upset anyone. sorry