My new 38 Gallon tank.

Jun 21, 2008
Hahaha. There does seem to be some gender confusion on this site, which I kind of enjoy. There are a few that seem easy to identify, like I'm pretty sure Kissyboots is a girl (supported by the fact that she posted pics at one point), but others are harder to figure out. Apparently now it's confirmed that Pure is a he.
Anyway, you could do an angel and cardinal tetras? Just a suggestion.

Jun 21, 2008
Touche. It was a very many post Pure. And, your most recent post is only one of many reasons that I don't like swamps. Nothing that big should live outside of the ocean or gigantic lakes. What is that, anyway?


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2008
I don't think those will fit in the 38 gallon tall is getting but i bet he can fit it in the 3 gallon! he managed to fit a butt load already!! lol joke i <3 you tall lol, and have been following your posts your! nothing but love lol.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
The first pic is of a Giant Mekong catfish, the second is a Saber tooth Tetra, The third and last is a Arapaima gigas. The largest Fresh water fish in South America.

What's up with the Micro Rasboras Tal?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I knew you were a guy!!! (ahem cough)

Funny thing Pure... I felt like I could have fit more fish in my 3g but they are all in the 38 right now and I feel like there is too many fish....

Whats up with that?

Or as the kids say now a days.. Yo, dawg, whut up wit dat?


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Or as the kids say now a days.. Yo, dawg, whut up wit dat?
Oh dang, young people still talk like that? No wonder adults look at me funny when I speak "proper" ingleesh (haha, my spanish accent makes an appearance every now and then).

Went to a couple LFS today after finishing up downtown - saw several microrasboras... 5 for $35, no thanks, I'll try another one. There's dozens more I haven't tried here in H-town...

I think i'm going to steal your 75 gallon idea.... and fill it up with hundreds of micros!!! *BOUNCINGS

OK - I'm pretty hyper atm. *twirlysmi

Jeez Pure, those shouldn't even be called tetras!!! :eek:
And yes, if people haven't figured it out yet, I am a girl...:p...but not the type of girl that the name "kissyboots" suggests. :D
Anyway, I'm kinda confused on what you're looking for...a schooling fish or a center piece?
My center piece fish will be a GBR or something as soon as I get the filter. You should look into those; they are VERY colorful and they stay small!

Jun 21, 2008
Well, I've read that they are one of the more peaceful cichlids, and actually should not be mixed with more aggressive fish. But, then I vaguely recall reading on here that you have to be careful with them because they can be aggressive. I know that when breeding they will aggressively protect their babies, but otherwise I think that they are generally ok. You want to be careful with male to female ratios, as they pair off. If you end up with a pair and a loner I think it might not go well for the loner. They can also be hard to keep alive, and need high water quality. I have 2 at the moment, I think both males, one significantly larger than the other, and they are both fine in my 55 gallon with platys, danios, cardinal tetras, clown loaches and a clown pleco. They occasionally chase a bit when I put a treat in, but otherwise they are fine, both with each other and the other tankmates. I did have a few die before ending up with these 2. Most didn't last for more than about 3 days, and the last one had been gasping at the bottom for a few days and I finally euthanized her. So, if you can get a healthy fish and keep it alive, I think they are great. The larger one that I've had for a few weeks is actually one of the most friendly fish in the tank towards me. When I approach the tank he often comes over to check me out, and will swim up to my finger when I place it on the glass. He also ate some of a zucchini slice out of my hand. I love them both. Very colorful, friendly and active, but it's hit and miss finding ones that survive. Probably more than you wanted to know, but there's my input. Also, here's a link to a profile.
Ram Cichlid Profile, with care, maintenance requirements and breeding information for your tropical fish
And here's the one from this site:


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
If you find that rams are dieing after being brought home from the LFS. Test your water. If nitrates are low and rams are still dying, Go to another LFS and try again.

They can often come to the LFS in poor condition after being shipped from overseas. This is normally due to them being hormoned. Combine that with crappy shipping practices and well yeah you get garbage fish. Sad thing is that often multiple locations in one city will often get their rams from the same source. So just going to another LFS my not solve your problems. Sometimes it's best to wait a few months before buying them again.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
GBR's are pretty sensitive to water it seems, so maybe a Bolivian/butterfly ram is your best bet... I plan on getting some of these because they are less sensitive to water and are only slightly less colorful than a GBR. I think they are the same size/aggression issues.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
That GBR looks cool.

DOY: Not too much info at all, I appreciate that you took the time! UNwritten, thanks for the other fish name. I have been pretty good with tank water management so I may keep the Bolivian as my back up plan.

I'd like to keep the tank understocked because it seems you can enjoy the tank a dnfish better when its not too busy so I have to rethink my stocking.

I think I'll start with the idea of 2 GBR's and work from there.

We'll add otos, cories and some kind of schooling fish (micro rasboras most likely)

And of course, top it off with the best betta fish ever.... Rana.

Hmm...will A BETTA and GBR's like or tolerate each other?

ETA: had to put in the question mark on my question....


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
One other thing...

My cories are not in the tank with the fry.

The cories have gone boring on me.

Other than eating, they just sit there. John and Ponch used to patrol all over the tank and now...nada.

Are they missing the community?

Keep in mind, bettas have BIG mouths! Mine ate everything!
And I bet the cories will become a lot more active if you get them some buddies and put them in a bigger thank. My cories were so happy with their new tank (55g) that they have started spawning an average of every other morning! Maybe you'll end up with fry too. :)


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
OK, so otos in the 38.

Cories moved into the 38 with 1 or 2 more

Pleco goes bye bye when the above two happen.

Maybe I;ll stick with the pristella tetras as my schooling fish then.

That danio has to go too..... crazy darn fish...