40 gallon Reef Journal


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
lol how bout explaining what u got goin on there ... the reason i ask is cause im setting up my ATO soon and im trying to decide what i wanna do as far as using limewater or what...ive been dosing Bionic and it keeps my cal/alk right where they need to be but its really a PITA dosing by hand every day

Ok, so i have a Tom Aquatics doser pump, connected to my ATO. When the pump turns on, it takes water from the reservoir, thru the pump and into the "reactor". THe tubing goes into the top of the locking lid container, and all the way to the bottom, so when new water comes in it runs thru the kalk. The water then "overflows" thru the tubing running to the sump where it empties. Its really basic, only 2 tubes and a pump.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i wouldnt really consider that a reactor :p lol neat idea though... few more questions: so u dont actually have anything mixing the kalk? how much kalk is getting pumped into your tank at a time? and how often? and 1 last question what are u using for your source of kalk?

yeah i was at a loss of words. I dont have anything moving it, just the input of the new water. Every 1/2 hour or so , i would say around a cup, maybe less of kalkwater is going, and so far i use Kent Kalk, almost empty so i need some more. But im thinking of a the 2 little fishies kalk, comes in 1 lb i think.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
im thinking about using Ms.wages picking lime for my source of kalk (can be found at walmart near the mason jars) but from what i under stand u want it to go into the tank super slow (any kalk for that matter).... im guna order a dual switch ATO from autotopoff.com ($50) and hook the aqualifter pump up to it only im guna put an airvalve on the end to slow it down even more so my topoff will be more of a drip but still controled through the ATO... im guna hook my ATO resivour directly to my ro/di with a float valve so everything is automated but im just trying to figure out how im guna mix my kalk or ms. wages or what evr i use without spend $200 on the reactor (atleast for now ill get the reactor in a few months)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yeah all kalk reactor are pretty simple. actualy there more of a stirrer than a reactor but the one im looking at is $175... im hoping to find someone in my club breaking a tank down n selling one used so i could get it cheaper :p


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
hey jump i was just thinking about it n u said u have about a cup every half hr or so get pumped into your tank and i did the math n that would be 3g a day right? that cant be possible in a 40g lol so im assuming its either pumping less than a cup or less frequent than every half hour (i evaporate between 5-10g a week in my 125) if u wer adding a cup at a time i would expect ph swings... have u been monitering your ph at all?
id also like to here about your ATO