He has found a little nook under the zoanthids that he likes to hang out in so most of the time I just see his little purpley black head popping out of the rock...right now he is about 3 inches long so half way grown i suppose
yah...mostly a trading streak actually...ive been swapping a lot of zoanthids and mushrooms recently...though i did drop some $$ on the octopus (Euphyllia paradivisa)
ok, the shot from yesterday evening of the euphyllia (page 7) has been replaced with one from this afternoon...it was much more open so i switched the file to show off its full glory
i have to admit that your tank is more impressive every time you post a pic
how about another full tank shot? the last one was great--it can only get better
cute blenny--i wish i could have one w/ the goby, but he is oh-so-evil