such a photogenic little totally forgot i took this picture like a week ago until i saw yamahas post. still no new full tank shot, sorry dbacksrat
Ya I think they are cool, I used to have one. well I used to have a HOLE bunch of fish. I'v had like 30 fish before I would always kill them but I tend to have a grip on it now.(thanks to this sight) so, i do think there cool though. Mine would get on my coral Beuity and it was cool to watch.
oh and one more thing. i'm sorry everyone here has to suffer through my spelling. LOL
are you serious?? thats insane...blood shrimp are usually $25 at the most here...besides, who wants a big one...they just die sooner because they are older...
a word of warning--i had a saltwater fish die in less than 48 hours from a major chain store
support your lfs--if they close because you buy from chain stores, you and your tank are SOL
yep...its a good little LPS coral provided it doesn't get banged up in shipping...lots of different color varieties also, more commonly it is an ugly (at least in my opinion) rust color. ive seen them in a nicer red with a green mouth area also. i had not seen a gold variety in the LFS before and I have had my eye on this one for about a month now