nothing new to post really...ill try to get some nice shots soon. the torch has unfortunately perished. i came home from work a couple weeks ago and it appeared to have been ripped out of its skeleton; it was quite odd...that morning it was looking great, 6 hours later it was gone
same thing happened to me with my torch, I had 4 "heads" on my torch two of them disintegrated in a day or so and the other two have always been really sweet and still are. My frogspawns been really good to,, weird.
things are going well i suppose...preparing for the big move (leaving in 8 days) so i've given away or sold a fair amount of stuff...ill try take a few pics before i disassemble
these are the same zoas (actually three types) as the ones on the rock of zoas but in a different location. they spread off their little branch and i moved it so now they are in two places...huzahh
these i am not so fond of...they look much much better under halides () but thats ok. these are not on the rock of zoas. there are also a couple beige and pink zoas forming a small clump below the major group (also not on the rock of zoas)